



  Secondary education is not a major; it is used in conjunction with a major to become certified to teach. 经常咨询教育部门的顾问,因为州的要求可能会改变.
  EDUC 1010美国教育概论 2小时
  EDUC 1750现场经验 1小时
  EDUC 2050人类发展与学习1 2小时
  EDUC 2060人类发展与学习2 2小时
  多元社会中的教育 3个小时
  教育学2870教学技术 3个小时
  *EDUC 3130教育评估:中学 or
2 - 3小时
  *EDUC 3350一般二级方法 2小时
  *通用二级方法实验室 1小时
  *EDUC 3390 7-12年级阅读与写作教学方法 3个小时
  *中学残疾学生的教学方法 3个小时

EDUC 3240 7-12年级传播与戏剧艺术教学方法
EDUC 3290 7-12年级数学教学方法
EDUC 3640 7-12年级社会科学教学方法
EDUC 3820 7-12年级商业教学方法
ART 2000中学美术


*学生教学: EDUC 4870中学监督教学
Students who will be endorsed in two areas should register for two 7-hour student teaching experiences.

  *EDUC 4990学生教学研讨会 1小时



  • 所有学生都必须完成通识教育课程, “为全球公民做准备”或“牌坊课程”.有关所有主要背书和认证要求,请咨询教育部门.
  • 除了学生教学外,学生还必须在NWU获得12小时的住宿时间.

注:以上要求适用于攻读B的学生.S. 或B.A. 学位. B.M. 学生遵循不同的教育课程要求列表. 参见音乐要求.

ART 2000中学美术 (3小时)

中学(7-12年级)视觉艺术教育教学现状调查. Emphasis on administration, organization, curriculum, and philosophy of art in education. 需要K-12艺术认证. 不能申请艺术专业. 不能用于主修或辅修艺术.
与EDUC 2000交叉上市.
Prerequisite(s): 15 hours of art and acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the chair of Department of 教育.

EDUC 1010美国教育概论 (2小时)

提供广泛知识的课程, 美国教育概况, designed to help students decide whether to continue coursework in professional education. 本课程是在本系进一步工作的先决条件.

EDUC 1750现场经验 (1小时)

A course designed to allow students an opportunity to determine if they have a talent for teaching. 学生将被指派协助一名小学生, 或中学教师每周指定一段时间. 最多可以重复三次.
先决条件或要求:EDUC 1010美国教育概论.

EDUC 2050人类发展与学习1 (2小时)

A course designed to acquaint students with the basic principles of growth and all phases of human development. Students will be required to assist an elementary or secondary teacher for a 50-minute period twice a week.
先决条件或要求:EDUC 1010美国教育概论 或者得到系主任或讲师的许可.

EDUC 2060人类发展与学习2 (2小时)

A continuation of EDUC 2050 with emphasis on the principles of learning and their application in the field of education. Secondary students will be required to assist a school teacher for a 50-minute period twice a week.
先决条件或要求:EDUC 1010美国教育概论 and EDUC 2050人类发展与学习1, 或者得到系主任或讲师的许可.

多元社会中的教育 (3小时)

This course helps future teachers and coaches recognize and understand biases experienced by groups and individuals due to race, 种族, 性别, 社会阶层, 宗教, 除外, 性取向, and language background to help them work effectively with a diverse student or student-athlete population. This course meets the Nebraska Human Relations Training requirement for teacher certification and for the NSAA coaching certification
Pre or Corequisite(s): EDUC 1010美国教育概论 or declared Coaching minor, 或者导师的许可.

教育学2870教学技术 (3小时)

见SPED 2870教学和自适应技术.

EDUC 3130教育评估:中学 (3小时)

对教师组织的非正式考试和正式的标准化考试的研究. 学生学习设计评估工具以达到评估的目的. 他们还学习管理、评分和解释标准化考试的结果.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

7-12年级现代语言教学方法 (3小时)

A study of a variety of methods as well as curriculum design/implementation for successful teaching of modern languages in the middle and secondary school classroom. 材料评估和创建,以加强学习. 包括法语、德语、日语和西班牙语.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 program or permission of the department chair.

教育评估:定向研究 (2小时)

测量和评价的工具和技术的研究. 具体的主题取决于学生的课程和需求.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

EDUC 3240 7-12年级传播与戏剧艺术教学方法 (3小时)

A survey of the methods for teaching communication in the classroom and of directing extracurricular activities. 与thtre3240交叉上市.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

7-12年级科学教学方法 (3小时)

The study and use of teaching methods and models in middle and secondary schools and their application to the learning styles of these age groups. 包括各种科学课程计划的考试, 实验室安全程序, 内容和教材的选择和组织.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

EDUC 3290 7-12年级数学教学方法 (3小时)

初中数学教学方法的研究. 包括教学材料、教学方法、教学目标和各种教学模式.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

EDUC 3350一般二级方法 (2小时)

A critical and functional study of effective methods of instruction with emphasis on the 规划/teaching/评估 流程 applicable for junior high and high schools. Students design and teach an interdisciplinary unit plan in 通用二级方法实验室 that incorporates specific forms of instructional technology.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.
要求:EDUC 3360一般二级方法实验室.


通用二级方法实验室 (1小时)

Students plan and teach a variety of lessons within a unit plan that incorporates specific teaching and 评估 strategies. 第二,学生将运用各种课堂管理方法.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.
先决条件:EDUC 3350一般次要方法.


EDUC 3390 7-12年级阅读与写作教学方法 (3小时)

侧重于方法论的课程, 流程, 以及中学水平的阅读和写作内容. Particular attention is given to strategies effective in teaching developmental reading and writing, 内容区阅读和写作, 以及诊断和补救的基本技能. 提供实验室经验. 没有P / F.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

EDUC 3640 7-12年级社会科学教学方法 (3小时)

Designed for middle and secondary education students working toward certification in one of the following social science fields: economics, 一般社会研究, 历史, 政治科学, 心理学, 和社会学. 没有P / F.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

EDUC 3820 7-12年级商业教学方法 (3小时)

本课程将提供设定目标的实用概述, 教材利用, 选择和组织主题, 并对会计和基础业务科目进行指导和评价. 没有P / F.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or approval of the department chair.

EDUC 4870中学监督教学 (7 - 14小时)

学生在中学与一位或多位正规教师一起工作. They attend the student teaching seminar and conference with their college supervisor as directed.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of preliminary student teaching requirements or approval of the department chair.

城市学生教学学期 (14小时)

The Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture project is a semester-long program that involves both interdisciplinary class work and field experiences in Chicago, 伊利诺斯州, 包括全日制学生教学. The semester program will replace certain teacher certification program requirements as determined by the department chair.
前提条件:学生必须满足学生教学的初步要求, be approved by the education department and the chair of the department in which the student is majoring, 并被芝加哥中心项目主任录取.

EDUC 4990学生教学研讨会 (1小时)

这是一门顶级课程,每两周一次,每次两小时,重点关注两个方面:第一, to provide a structured and safe environment to dialogue about student teaching successes and concerns; and second, 邀请演讲者, 学生和讲师将讨论与学生教学最相关的话题, 如何获得教师职位, 以及初学教师的关键问题. 主题包括教育法, 道德与伦理, 学生/教师/家长的权利和责任, 与员工和社区建立并保持积极的沟通, 还有面试和找工作的技巧.

hhp3600二级PE方法 (3小时)

A course designed to instruct students on how to teach physical education to middle and high school students. 主题包括课程发展, 规划, 评估, 行为管理, 修改, 团队运动, 个人和终身活动, 和技术. 学生们将有很多机会互相创造和教授体育课. 体育专业, a 20-hour practicum experience in a local middle or high school physical education class is required. 对于非体育专业的学生,将需要一个期末项目.

中学残疾学生的教学方法 (3小时)

A course designed to acquaint secondary education students with appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies for the regular classroom when teaching students who are gifted or have mild/moderate disabilities. 还讨论了涉及这两个群体的法律责任和义务. 实地经验是本课程的一部分.