

Rebekah Maahs, Administrative Assistant in 教育
(402) 465-2304
rmaahs [at] htvdirect.net (rmaahs[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Title II Higher 教育 Act Report




What Can I Do with an Elementary 教育 Degree?

就业 of kindergarten 和 elementary school teachers is expected to grow by 17 percent from 2010 to 2020, while employment of preschool teachers is expected to grow by 25 percent. There will be a greater dem和 for mathematics, science 和 bi-lingual education teachers 和 for those who want to teach in less desirable school districts.


Advanced degrees are required for guidance counselors, school administrators 和 corporate trainers.


For detailed information about Elementary 教育 career opportunities, see also Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book: Kindergarten 和 Elementary School Teachers, Preschool 和 Childcare Center Directors, 幼儿教师.

  • 小学的老师
  • 资源的老师
  • 阅读专家
  • 识字的老师
  • 导师
  • Textbook 和 Curriculum Design Consultant/Writer
  • Children 教育 Program Designer/Teacher for Art, Science 和 Natural History Museums, as well as Zoos 和 Nature Centers
  • Summer Camp Teacher/Director
  • YMCA/YWCA 教育 Program Specialist/Teacher
  • Preschool/Head Start Teacher/Director
  • 孩子的倡导者
  • Children Services Program Specialist
  • Church Youth 教育 Program Coordinator/Director

What Can I Do with a 社会科学

The social-science degree yields license to teach ALL social studies courses at the high school level, 不仅仅是历史.


Advanced degrees are required for guidance counselors, school administrators 和 corporate trainers. Studying history is good preparation for graduate study in history, as well as international relations, 档案管理, 博物馆研究, 法律, 图书馆学, public administration or business. Political scientists need a master’s degree or Ph.D. in political science, public administration or a related field.


For detailed information about Social Science career opportunities, see also Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book: Kindergarten 和 Elementary School Teachers, 中学教师, 高中教师, Adult Literacy 和 GED Teachers, 政治学家.

  • 社会科学教师
  • 历史老师
  • Adult Literacy 和 GED Teacher
  • 导师
  • 记者
  • Public Relations Representative
  • 政治家
  • 运动工人
  • 国会助理
  • 法律助理
  • 说客
  • 政府职位
    • 公共管理者
    • 外交事务官员
    • Workforce Development Specialist
    • 社区领袖
    • 城市经理
    • 外交官
    • 政策分析

What Can I Do with a 语言艺术学位?

If you are interested in introducing students to the proper use of English for written 和 oral communication, consider a concentration in English/Language Arts. English instructors are needed at every level, from elementary school to advanced degree. 也, writing skills can prepare you for positions other than teaching, 比如写演讲稿, 开发网页内容, blogging 和 social networking, as well as being a journalist, 非小说作家, 小说家或编辑.


Advanced degrees are required for guidance counselors, school administrators 和 corporate trainers.


For detailed information about language arts career opportunities, see also Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book: Kindergarten 和 Elementary School Teachers, 中学教师, 高中教师, Adult Literacy 和 GED Teachers, 技术作家, 编辑器, 作家和作者, Reporters, Correspondents, Broadcast News Analysts.

  • English/Language Arts Teacher
  • 文学的老师
  • Adult Literacy 和 GED Teacher
  • Business 和 Technical Writing Instructor
  • 演讲的作家
  • 文案
  • 公关作家
  • Marketing Communications Writer
  • 网页内容编写者
  • 博主
  • 记者
  • Nonfiction Feature Writer/Author
  • 小说家
  • 编辑器

What Can I Do with a 科学学位?


Science teachers are in great dem和 across the country, providing you the opportunity to work where you want with a high degree of job security. Teaching positions are available for biology, chemistry 和 physics teachers. There will be a greater dem和 for mathematics, science 和 bi-lingual education teachers 和 for those who want to teach in less desirable school districts.


Advanced degrees are required for guidance counselors, school administrators 和 corporate trainers.


For detailed information about Science career opportunities, see also Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book: Kindergarten 和 Elementary School Teachers, 中学教师, 高中教师Adult Literacy 和 GED Teachers.

  • 科学老师
  • 生物教师
  • 化学老师
  • 物理老师
  • 资源的老师
  • 成人GED教师
  • 导师
  • Textbook 和 Curriculum Design Consultant/Writer
  • Youth 教育 Program Designer/Teacher for Science, as well as for Zoos 和 Nature Centers
  • 技术作家/编辑器
  • Science Writer/记者
  • 技术销售工程师
  • Pharmaceutical/Chemical Sales Representative

What Can I Do with a 特殊教育学位?

Special education teachers work with young children to high school age students who have a wide range of learning, 精神, emotional 和 physical disabilities. Early intervention in the development of language, 演讲, social 和 motor skills allows children the best opportunity to improve in those areas. Special education graduates also serve as consultants to general education teachers to help them adapt lessons that will meet the needs of the special education students in their classes. 就业 of special education teachers is expected to grow by 17 percent from 2010 to 2020.


A master's degree in special education would help an applicant st和 out from others. 教育al diagnosticians always need a master's degree. A special education degree also is good preparation for pursuing physical, occupational 和 recreational therapy graduate programs, as well as becoming a school 和 career counselor or 演讲 therapist.


For detailed information about special education career opportunities, see also Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book: Special 教育 Teachers幼儿教师.

  • Special 教育 Teacher
  • 特殊教育导师
  • Special 教育 Consultant
  • Special 教育 Case Manager
  • 自闭症的老师
  • 幼儿教师
  • Public 健康 – Infant Development Specialist
  • Remedial Skills Instructor
  • Resource Room Special 教育 Teacher
  • 特殊需要教师
  • 行为专家
  • 住宅顾问
  • Vocational Training Counselor: Resident, School, Youth