科学教育(B).A., B.S.)

科学教育(B).A., B.S.)

BIO 1400FYW Introduction to 生物 Inquiry (4小时)

本课程是为生物学专业学生设计的,用以取代传统的生物学导论课程. 总体目标是通过教学生如何进行科学研究,向他们介绍大学生物学. Across all sections of this course, students will pose scientific questions, 设计和评价实验, 做这些实验, 评价实验结果, 并传达这些结果. Within this frame工作 of investigative inquiry, 学生将学习介绍性内容,这些内容不仅对当前课程有意义, but will allow for a smoother transition to their sophomore year. 内容领域包括生态学, 遗传学, 进化, 生物多样性, 繁殖, 发展, 和 cellular/molecular 机制.
课程在授课和实验之间流畅地转换,相当于每周3个课时的授课和3个课时的实验.  没有P / F.
Pre or corequisite(s): 化学原理1; or prerequisite of CHEM 1100 Prep Chemistry.
(Multiple sections normally offered each semester.)

拱门的课程: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year Writing
BIO 2200 Genetics 和 Cell Biology (4小时)

本课程强调与细胞内结构相关的分子机制, 新陈代谢, 遗传信息传递, 遗传, 和 进化 in prokaryotic 和 eukaryotic organisms.
每周三节课 with one three-hour lab per week.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1400FYW Introduction to 生物 Inquiry, 化学原理1, 化学2100有机化学1.

BIO 2300生态学和进化 (4小时)

从分子的角度介绍生命与环境的相互作用, organismal through ecosystem levels, highlighting the major factors influencing 进化ary change. Topics include genetic 和 phenotypic variation, 自然选择, 适应, 物种形成, 共生和种群动态,尤指在人为干扰的情况下, 和 ecosystem structure 和 function. Where possible, principles of 进化 和 ecology will be integrated.
每周一个3小时的实验, including field, laboratory 和 greenhouse 工作.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1400FYW Introduction to 生物 Inquiry, 化学原理1 和 化学2100有机化学1.

生物3800分子遗传学 (4小时)

系统的研究, 机制, 分子遗传学的方法特别强调遗传物质的分析——诱变, 复制, 监管, 转录, 和 translation--和 its protein products 和 their biological function. 将讨论重组DNA/基因工程和其他现代技术. 每周三节课. 每周一个3小时的实验.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1400FYW Introduction to 生物 Inquiry, BIO 2200 Genetics 和 Cell Biology, 化学原理1, 和 化学2100有机化学1.
(Normally offered alternate spring semesters.)

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
化学原理1 (3小时)

化学基本原理的研究,包括原子和分子的结构, 周期性, 化学计量学, 反应, 解决方案, 气体, 和热化学.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

CHEM 1110L Chemical Principles I Laboratory (1小时)

Laboratory supporting 化学原理1.
Pre or corequisite(s): 化学原理1.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

CHEM 1120 Chemical Principles II (3小时)

A continuation of 化学原理1.  Topics include reaction kinetics, 水平衡, thermodynamics (Entropy 和 Gibbs Free Energy), 电化学, 依数性, nuclear 和 coordination chemistry.
先决条件:CHEM 1110化学原理I和CHEM 1110L化学原理I实验室,成绩为“C-”或以上.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

CHEM 1120L Chemical Principles II Laboratory (1小时)

A laboratory supporting CHEM 1120 Chemical Principles II.
Corequisite(s): CHEM 1120 Chemical Principles II.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

化学2100有机化学1 (3小时)

A survey of the structure 和 反应 of carbon-containing molecules.
先决条件:CHEM 1110化学原理I,成绩为“C-”或以上.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

CHEM 2100L Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (1小时)

A laboratory supporting 化学2100有机化学1.
One 1-hour pre-lab lecture per week.

先决条件:CHEM 1110L化学原理I实验室,成绩为C-或以上.
Corequisite(s): 化学2100有机化学1.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

CHEM 2110 Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis 和 Mechanisms (3小时)

A continuation of 化学2100有机化学1. 对碳化合物合成和生物合成中重要反应的研究, 包括反应机理和测定结构的光谱方法.
先决条件:CHEM 2100有机化学I,成绩为“C-”或以上.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

CHEM 2110L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (1小时)

支持CHEM 2110有机化学II:合成和机理的实验室.
One 1-hour pre-lab lecture per week.

先决条件:CHEM 2100L有机化学I实验室,成绩为“C-”或以上.
Corequisite(s): CHEM 2110 Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis 和 Mechanisms.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

化学3410生化 (3小时)

全面介绍生物化学领域,强调分子结构和反应性在决定生物功能中的作用. 本课程将强调通过应用基本化学原理来解决生化问题.
先决条件:CHEM 1120化学原理II和CHEM 2110有机化学II:合成和机制,等级为“C-”或更高. A basic biology background is strongly recommended.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

EDUC 3280 Methods for Teaching Science in 7-12 (3小时)

研究和使用中学的教学方法和模式,并将其应用于这些年龄组的学习方式. Includes an examination of various science curriculum programs, 实验室安全程序, 和 the selection 和 organization of content 和 teaching materials.
(Normally offered every even spring semester.)

EDUC 4870 Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School (7 - 14小时)

Students 工作 with one or more regular teachers in a secondary school. 他们参加学生教学研讨会和会议与他们的大学导师的指示.

EDUC 4990 Student Teaching Seminar (1小时)

这是一门顶级课程,每两周一次,每次两小时,重点关注两个方面:第一, to provide a structured 和 safe environment to dialogue about student teaching successes 和 concerns; 和 second, 邀请演讲者, 学生和讲师将讨论与学生教学最相关的话题, how to obtain a teaching position, 和 critical issues for the beginning teacher. 主题包括教育法, 道德与伦理, student/teacher/parent rights 和 responsibilites, 与员工和社区建立并保持积极的沟通, as well as interviewing 和 job search skills.
Corequisite(s): Student teaching or permission of the department chair.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
PHYS 1100 Introduction to Geology (4小时)

A survey of geology 和 geophysics. Topics include characteristics of minerals 和 rocks, 板块构造论, 地球内部, 地球历史和时间尺度, 表面处理, 以及海洋过程.
(Normally offered alternate fall semesters.)

PHYS 1200 Energy 和 the Global Environment (4小时)

这门课程涵盖了当今世界面临的一些最关键的问题——那些与生产有关的问题, 分布, 以及能源的使用. 热的基本概念, 工作, 电力和能源,因为他们适用于世界各地的能源使用将进行研究. 能源的主要来源, 它们的价值和重要性, 将确定能源的历史和未来需求以及遇到的具体环境问题和利益.
Three lectures 和 one laboratory per week.
(Normally offered alternate fall semesters.)

物理1300天文学 (4小时)

An introductory course on the solar system, stars 和 galaxies.
One laboratory/observation per week.
(Normally offered alternate spring semesters.)

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Science 和 Religion Thread
PHYS 1400 Introduction to Meteorology (4小时)

(Normally offered alternate spring semesters.)

PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I (4小时)

The principles of classical mechanics, energy 和 motion designed for majors in the natural 和 health sciences. Algebra 和 trigonometry will be used in descriptions 和 problems.Three two-hour 工作shop sessions per week.学生可能不会获得物理1600和物理2000普通物理I学分.

(Normally offered each fall semester.)

PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II (4小时)

PHYS 1600的延续,重点是波,声,电,磁和电子学.
Three two-hour 工作shop sessions per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

PHYS 2000普通物理1 (4小时)

An introduction to classical mechanics, energy 和 motion designed for majors in physics, 数学, 以及相关的科学. Elements of calculus will be used in descriptions 和 problems.
Three two-hour 工作shop sessions per week.
Pre or Corequisite(s): MATH 1500 Calculus for Management, 生物, 和 Social Sciences or MATH 1600 Calculus I or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

物理2100普通物理2 (4小时)

PHYS 2000的延续,重点是波、声、电、磁和电子学.
Three two-hour 工作shop sessions per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2000普通物理1.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)
