In a high school classroom, an NWU education major student teaches a class.
特殊教育K-6 (B.A., B.S.)

特殊教育K-6 (B.A., B.S.)

Can only declare this as second major with Elementary 教育. Cannot be declared as first major or as second major with anything other than Elementary 教育.

COMM 1250 Introduction to Communication Studies (4小时)

This course is designed to help students develop the skills necessary to effectively communicate in public, 私人和专业设置. The course will focus on a broad base of communication theory, 概念, and skills and offer students the opportunity to apply those skills. Students will explore several modes of communication, including persuasive and invitational speaking, 对话, 以及人际沟通. Students will explore the foundations of the communication discipline and consider the importance of communication for our personal, 专业, 公民生活.


拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I (2小时)

A course designed to acquaint students with the basic principles of growth and all phases of human development. Students will be required to assist an 小学 or secondary teacher for a 50-minute period twice a week.
Pre or corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to 教育 in the United States or permission of the department chair or instructor.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
EDUC 2060 Human Development and Learning II (2小时)

A continuation of EDUC 2050 with emphasis on the principles of learning and their application in the field of education. Secondary students will be required to assist a school teacher for a 50-minute period twice a week.
Pre or corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to 教育 in the United States and EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I, or permission of the department chair or instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

EDUC 2850 教育 in a Pluralistic Society (3小时)

This course helps future teachers and coaches recognize and understand biases experienced by groups and individuals due to race, 种族, 性别, 社会阶层, 宗教, 除外, 性取向, and language background to help them work effectively with a diverse student or student-athlete population. This course meets the Nebraska Human Relations Training requirement for teacher certification and for the NSAA coaching certification
Pre or Corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to 教育 in the United States or declared Coaching minor, 或者导师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – U.S.
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Democracy Thread
EDUC 3460A Methods Practicum K-6 Literacy (1小时)

A practicum opportunity allowing students to practice the 规划, 教学, 评估, and dispositions that are presented in methods classes.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 3450 Methods for Teaching Literacy in K-6, SPED 3460 Adapted Methods Practicum K-6 and SPED 3480 Curriculum Adaptations for Language Art Methods.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

EDUC 4990学生教学研讨会 (1小时)

A capstone course that meets biweekly for two hours to focus on two areas: first, to provide a structured and safe environment to 对话 about student 教学 successes and concerns; and second, 邀请演讲者, students and the instructor will discuss topics most pertinent to student 教学, 如何获得教师职位, and critical issues for the beginning teacher. 主题包括教育法, 道德与伦理, student/teacher/parent rights and responsibilites, establishing and maintaining positive communication with the staff and community, as well as interviewing and job search skills.
Corequisite(s): Student 教学 or permission of the department chair.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
HHP 3650 Adapted Physical 教育 (3小时)

A course designed to instruct students on how to teach physical education to students with disabilities. Topics include 课程 development, 规划, 评估, 行为管理, 修改, 等电位点, 法律, 残疾人运动. Students will learn about the different disability classifications found in the school system. Students will also participate in a number of disability simulation labs. A 10-hour practicum experience working with students with disabilities in a physical activity setting is required.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

现场经验 (1小时)

A course designed to allow students an opportunity to assist a preschool, 小学, 中等的成绩, or junior high special education teacher for a designated period of time each week. May be repeated a maximum of three times.
Corequisite(s): SPED 2070 Understanding Human Differences for special education majors.

SPED 2070 Understanding Human Differences (3小时)

This course provides an overview of basic 概念 related to the inclusive education of differently abled students. A broad understanding of a range of low and high incidence disabilities will be explored. 历史因素, 立法, 诉讼, 服务交付模式, and cross-cultural issues are examined in the course. Students will complete a fieldwork experience that will allow them an opportunity to assist kindergarten, 小学, 中学, or junior high special education students for a designated period of time. 没有P / F.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
SPED 2180 Learning Strategies I: Direct Instruction Methods (4小时)

Students will learn to develop and deliver specific academic and social 课程 using Direct Instruction/Behaviorist methodology. Demonstration of competence of instructional design and evaluation within a Direct Instruction/Behaviorist model is emphasized in relation to students with mild/moderate disabilities. Students may complete a fieldwork experience that will allow students an opportunity to assist a preschool, 小学, or 中学 education teacher for a designated period of time using these instructional methods.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
SPED 2190 Learning Strategies II: Strategy Training (4小时)

Students will learn to develop and deliver specific academic and social 课程 using Cognitive Strategy methodology. Demonstration of competence of instructional design and evaluation within a Cognitive Strategy framework is emphasized for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Students may complete fieldwork experience that will allow them an opportunity to assist a preschool, 小学, or 中学 special education teacher for a designated period of time using these instructional methods.

SPED 2200 Learning Strategies III: Cooperative Learning (4小时)

Students will learn to develop and deliver specific academic and social 课程 using Social Learning theory and methodology. Demonstration of competence in instructional design and evaluation with a Social Learning theory model is emphasized for students with disabilities. Students may complete a fieldwork experience that will allow them an opportunity to assist a preschool, 小学, or 中学 special education teacher for a designated period of time using these instructional methods.


SPED 2870 Instructional and Adaptive Technology (3小时)

This course is the study of the various forms of instructional technology available to today's educators. Instructional technologies include computers, 数据基地, 无线通信, augmentative communication software, 读写能力, 以及数学支持软件. Specific emphasis is placed on those forms of adaptive technology that will assist the 教学 and learning of students with disabilities.
与EDUC 2870交叉上市.

SPED 3160评估 (2小时)

This course is a study of the informal and formal techniques and instruments for assessing children/youth for a variety of functions across multiple 课程 areas. Primary focus will be on effective tools for the identification and support of children/youth with disabilities.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.
(Normally offered every even spring semester.)

SPED 3460 Adapted Methods Practicum K-6 (1小时)

A practicum opportunity allowing students to practice adapting lessons for children with exceptionalities.
Pre or corequisite(s): EDUC 3400 Teaching Mathematics in K-6, EDUC 3420 Teaching Social Sciences in K-6, EDUC 3440 Teaching Natural Sciences K-8, EDUC 3450 Methods for Teaching Literacy in K-6, SPED 3480 Curriculum Adaptations for Language Art Methods, 和加速- 3700.

SPED 3480 Curriculum Adaptations for Language Art Methods (1小时)

As a corequisite with EDUC 3450 Methods for Teaching Literacy in K-6, this course will involve the critical study of materials, 课程, and effective instruction used in 教学 children and youth with disabilities.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 3450 Methods for Teaching Literacy in K-6.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.

SPED 3570 Legal Issues in Special 教育 (2小时)

This course provides students with knowledge of national, 状态, 以及当地法律, 政策, 程序, and resources that affect the definition of disability and the ensuing education programs for students with disabilities. Models of social and personal advocacy will form a critical foundation for development of a personal consultation model. Students will reflect their understanding of these issues through the development of Individual 教育 Plans, 过渡计划, and School Service Plans for students with mild/moderate disabilities.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Democracy Thread
SPED 3710 Creating Support for Safe Schools (2小时)

This course provides an intensive study of ways that collaborative practice can support children with emotional/行为 needs. An emphasis of the course will be on the creation of safe schools through cognitive, 行为, 以及社会支持策略.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher 教育 Program or permission of the department chair.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

SPED 4870 Special 教育 Practicum (7 - 14小时)

Students are given the opportunity to teach children who have disabilities in the 小学 grades for 10 weeks.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of preliminary student 教学 requirements and approval of the department chair.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive