

Admission into the 教育部门 和 additional 教育部门al coursework is required. This subject endorsement is designed to prepare students for the teaching profession in Physical 教育. 加上大约37小时的教育要求, 学生将有资格获得内布拉斯加州教学证书.


  1. Provide the experience of designing 和 implementing a physical education program utilizing current pedagogical principles.
  2. 展示教学能力, 并将教育和生理原理应用于人类的表现.
  3. 管理和分析运动技能评估, 运动发展和健身表现.

生物1090人体解剖学和生理学入门1 (3小时)

An introductory study of cellular physiology 和 tissues along with a comprehensive study of the integumentary skeletal, 肌肉发达的, 神经系统, 还有特殊的感官. 不计入生物专业吗.
Pre or Corequisite(s): 生物1090L人体解剖与生理导论I实验室.

生物1090L人体解剖与生理导论I实验室 (1小时)

Laboratory experiments 和 investigative exercises supporting 生物1090人体解剖学和生理学入门1.
先决条件或条件:BIO 1090.

生物1100人体解剖学和生理学入门II (3小时)

血液的介绍性研究, 心血管淋巴, 呼吸, 内分泌, 消化, 泌尿和生殖系统以及新陈代谢, 体液和电解质的平衡以及身体的酸碱平衡. 不计入生物专业吗.
Prerequisite(s): 生物1090人体解剖学和生理学入门1 or permission of the instructor.


生物1100L人体解剖学和生理学的介绍II实验室 (1小时)

Laboratory experiments 和 investigative exercises supporting 生物1100人体解剖学和生理学入门II.
先决条件或先决条件:BIO 1100.

hhp1140游泳 (1小时)

一门旨在教授水上安全基本技能的入门课程, 滑翔, 浮动, 触犯, 自由泳, 仰泳和蛙泳.



hhp1160健身游泳 (1小时)

A course designed to improve cardiovascular endurance through individual workouts 和 to introduce students to fitness-related principles. 这个学生必须具备游泳能力. 可以重复最多2个学分吗.

hhp1260人类健康和保健 (2小时)

一门旨在让学生更好地了解人体功能的课程. 健康和保健涉及对影响身体的因素的研究, 个人的情感和精神健康. 健康是个人的一种身心状态, 社区, 社会, 和环境. This class will offer a holistic view of how ones external 和 internal factors affect health.

hhp1270高级紧急护理 (1小时)

A study 和 application of the principles 和 techniques involved in the advanced administration of first aid, 心肺复苏术, 自动电子除颤器(aed). 学生将获得美国红十字会认证.

hhp1350健康与体育概论 (2小时)

本课程提供了健康和体育教育领域的概述. Topics addressed will include: How to become a 健康 和 Physical 教育 teacher; Passing the Praxis; the role of 健康 和 Physical 教育 in 社会; the role of 健康 和 Physical 教育 in the school setting; the history of Physical 教育; 和 current issues in 健康.


hhp1400游戏及活动 (2小时)

The purpose of this course is to teach students the fundamental skills 和 basic rules for games 和 activities commonly played in physical education classes (baseball, 篮球, 足球, 足球, 排球). 另外, students will learn about 和 participate in a few less-common games 和 activities that are popular throughout the world.


hhp1450游戏与活动2 (2小时)

The purpose of this course is to teach students the fundamental skills 和 basic rules for games 和 activities commonly played in physical education classes (badminton, 高尔夫球, pickleball, 网球, 田径). 另外, students will learn about 和 participate in a few less-common games 和 activities that are popular throughout the world.


hhp2500基本人类营养 (2小时)

This is a course designed to provide students with the basic scientific principles of nutrition focusing on their personal choices 和 experiences. 学生将发展营养的定义,并了解营养是如何演变的. 本课程将向学生介绍基本营养素分类的概念, 定义和发展健康饮食, 对特定营养素的建议, 饮食失调, 能量平衡与肥胖, 身体成分, 终生营养(婴儿期至老年人), 食物/饮料的选择以及对慢性病和最佳健康的影响.

hhp3120运动学习与控制 (3小时)

A course that will introduce students to current underst和ings of how complex motor skills are initially learned, 以及如何通过实践来控制和完善它们, 从行为的角度来看. A variety of activities will provide students with practical examples to deepen underst和ing. 本课程适用于一般运动科学、物理治疗和教练.

hhp3150运动表现原则 (3小时)

An advanced study of the scientific principles 和 theories related to sport performance in both the private 和 public sectors. 讨论有关运动科学的应用和概念, 测试与评估, 运动技术, 运动营养, 运动心理学, 程序设计, 和 strength 和 conditioning administration 和 facility organization will be emphasized.


hhp3500基本体育方法 (3小时)

A course designed to instruct students on how to teach physical education to elementary students. 主题包括课程发展, 规划, 评估, 行为管理, 修改, 以及运动和物体控制能力. 学生们将有很多机会互相创造和教授体育课. 体育专业, 必须在当地小学体育课上有20小时的实习经验. 对于非体育专业的学生,将需要一个期末项目.

hhp3600二级PE方法 (3小时)

A course designed to instruct students on how to teach physical education to middle 和 high school students. 主题包括课程发展, 规划, 评估, 行为管理, 修改, 团队运动, 个人和终身活动, 和技术. 学生们将有很多机会互相创造和教授体育课. 体育专业, a 20-hour practicum experience in a local middle or high school physical education class is required. 对于非体育专业的学生,将需要一个期末项目.

hhp3650适应体育 (3小时)

A course designed to instruct students on how to teach physical education to students with disabilities. 主题包括课程发展, 规划, 评估, 行为管理, 修改, 等电位点, 法律, 残疾人运动. Students will learn about the different disability classifications found in the school system. 学生还将参加一些残疾模拟实验室. A 10-hour practicum experience working with students with disabilities in a physical activity setting is required.

hhp3850生物力学 (3小时)

This course integrates physics with human movement to provide underst和ing of human movement from a kinetic 和 kinematic perspective. Students will explore 和 apply these principles to a human movement or exercise of their choice. 
Prerequisite(s): 生物1090人体解剖学和生理学入门1 or BIO 3200 Advanced Human Anatomy 和 Physiology I.

hhp4150运动生理学 (4小时)

This course explores the physiological effects 和 adaptations of exercise using a system approach. Students will be exposed to the latest research in the field that contributes to our underst和ing of how the human body is designed for exercise 和 movement. Practical application of these principles will be explored during class 和 throughout the laboratory experience.
Prerequisite(s): 生物1100人体解剖学和生理学入门II or BIO 3210 Advanced Human Anatomy 和 Physiology II 和 junior st和ing.

hhp4990高级顶点 (1小时)

This senior capstone class is the final course for a degree in the 健康 和 Human Performance Department. 在一次顶点体验中, students will reflect on your academic growth while finalizing a customized electronic portfolio. 电子作品集将用于回顾和反思以前的工作, 对学生的学术生涯进行评估, 并为他们所选领域的预期职业规划未来的愿景. This ePortfolio can be used for future academic goals as well as to serve as an aid for housing acquired material. 先决条件:高级职称和部门专业或导师的许可. 没有通过/失败.
Prerequisite(s): Senior st和ing 和 a departmental major, or permission of the instructor.
