Writing Minor


(402) 465-2343
sloos [at] htvdirect.net (sloos[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)

Writing Minor

以下是辅修写作的课程. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 English Degrees.

辅修课程采用书面形式,课程灵活. Many majors and minors pursue internships that include workplace-writing responsibilities, 获得课程学分和体验式学习学分. Students also gain experience serving on the editorial board of the campus literary and arts journal The Flintlock

BUSAD 2300商务沟通 (3 hours)

This course will review the basics of effective oral and written communication and apply these basics to business writing and presentations. 各种个人和合作项目, including memos, letters, and reports, 会强调起草的过程吗, revising, 编辑商务通讯.
先决条件:工商管理, Accounting, Economics, 国际业务, 体育管理专业.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
ENG 1030FYW写作与创意艺术 (3 or 4 hours)

Student in this multi-genre composition and writing course will develop their skill in both academic and creative writing as they explore what it means to be creative across multiple written mediums.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
ENG 2170小说写作导论 (4 hours)

An introduction to the writing of fiction with an emphasis upon a variety of 形式、技巧和叙事声音. Discussion of student writing will take place in a workshop setting.
Prerequisite(s): First Year Writing 或者得到老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
eng2190诗歌写作导论 (4 hours)

An introduction to the writing of poetry with an emphasis upon a variety of forms and techniques. Discussion of student writing will take place in a workshop setting.
Prerequisite(s): First Year Writing 或者得到老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
ENG 2610新闻报道 (3 hours)
An introductory course in journalism concentrating upon basic techniques of news gathering and writing, 包括新闻媒体的基本历史.
eng2680新闻实验室 (1 hours)

Working session during which students work as leaders of an editorial staff of students signed up for ENG 2630 Journalism And Free Speech to produce a project on some form of news dissemination. 可以重复最多4个学分. Pass/Fail only.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
写作研究:风险小说 (4 hours)

Each course in the Studies in Writing group focuses on the writing process and its product as applied to a particular genre (risk fiction, scriptwriting, hybrid genes, 创造性的非小说, biography, 和回忆录)或概念(写主体), 每个学期会有所不同. The course is conducted as a workshop in which students read their own compositions to the class and respond to the compositions of their classmates.

先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术, ENG 2170小说写作导论, 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论, 或者老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
写作研究:身体写作 (4 hours)

Each course in the Studies in Writing group focuses on the writing process and its product as applied to a particular genre (risk fiction, scriptwriting, hybrid genes, 创造性的非小说, biography, 和回忆录)或概念(写主体), 每个学期会有所不同. The course is conducted as a workshop in which students read their own compositions to the class and respond to the compositions of their classmates.

先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术, ENG 2170小说写作导论, 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论, 或者老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – U.S.
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
写作研究:编剧 (4 hours)

Each course in the Studies in Writing group focuses on the writing process and its product as applied to a particular genre (risk fiction, scriptwriting, hybrid genres, 创造性的非小说, 传记和回忆录)或概念(写主体), 每个学期会有所不同. The course is conducted as a workshop in which students read their own compositions to the class and respond to the compositions of their classmates. 先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术, ENG 2170小说写作导论, 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论, 或者老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
写作研究:混合体裁 (4 hours)

Each course in the Studies in Writing group focuses on the writing process and its product as applied to a particular genre (risk fiction, scriptwriting, hybrid genres, 创造性的非小说, 传记和回忆录)或概念(写主体), 每个学期会有所不同. The course is conducted as a workshop in which students read their own compositions to the class and respond to the compositions of their classmates. 先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术, ENG 2170小说写作导论, 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论, 或者老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
写作研究:创造性非虚构 (4 hours)

Each course in the Studies in Writing group focuses on the writing process and its product as applied to a particular genre (risk fiction, scriptwriting, hybrid genres, 创造性的非小说, 传记和回忆录)或概念(写主体), 每个学期会有所不同. The course is conducted as a workshop in which students read their own compositions to the class and respond to the compositions of their classmates. 先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术, ENG 2170小说写作导论, 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论, 或者老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
写作研究:传记 & Memoir (4 hours)

Each course in the Studies in Writing group focuses on the writing process and its product as applied to a particular genre (risk fiction, scriptwriting, hybrid genres, 创造性的非小说, 传记和回忆录)或概念(写主体), 每个学期会有所不同. The course is conducted as a workshop in which students read their own compositions to the class and respond to the compositions of their classmates. 先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术, ENG 2170小说写作导论, 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论, 或者老师的许可.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
ENG 3150专业和社区写作 (2 or 4 hours)

An advanced writing workshop covering rhetorical principles (invention, arrangement, style, 不同学科的展示. Students will complete writing projects related to their professional and civic interests.

高级小说写作:找到你的声音 (4 hours)

An advanced course in the writing of fiction within a continued emphasis on a variety of
形式、技巧和叙事声音. In particular, this course will focus on the creation of voice in writing via discussions of identity and authorial perspective.  Discussion of student writing will take place in a workshop setting.

先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术 or ENG 2170小说写作导论.


拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – U.S.
ENG 3190高级主题诗歌写作 (4 hours)

An advanced course in the writing of poetry with a continued emphasis on a variety of forms and techniques. Discussion of student writing will take place in a workshop setting. 具体主题将因学期而异. Course may be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor.
先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术 或ENG 2190诗歌写作导论.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
1810FYW剧本创作1 (3 hours)

Playwriting 1 is a course introducing students to the principles of dramatic construction and formal devices of playwriting. Students will write individually and collaboratively in large groups, small groups, and pairs. 重点是创造性写作练习 exploring monologue, dialogue, 文本中的字符, 语言即行动, scene structure, exposition, and conflict. Students will have the opportunity to share writing in class and receive 在支持性的车间环境中提供反馈. Students will critically reflect on what they've written and assemble a portfolio of their writing.
Students may not receive credit for both 1810FYW剧本创作1 and 戏剧写作1.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
戏剧写作1 (3 hours)

Playwriting 1 is a course introducing students to the principles of dramatic construction and formal devices of playwriting. Students will write individually and collaboratively in large groups, small groups, and pairs. 重点是创造性写作练习 exploring monologue, dialogue, 文本中的字符, 语言即行动, scene structure, exposition, and conflict. Students will have the opportunity to share writing in class and receive 在支持性的车间环境中提供反馈. Students will critically reflect on what they've written and assemble a portfolio of their writing.
Students may not receive credit for both 1810FYW剧本创作1 and 戏剧写作1.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing Arts
3840剧本写作2 (3 hours)

A Writing-Instructive course building upon the principles of dramatic construction and devices of playwriting learned in 1810FYW剧本创作1 or 戏剧写作1. 重点是创造性写作练习, 长篇作品的写作和修订, 以及写一篇研究论文. Students will have the opportunity to share writing in class and receive 在支持性的车间环境中提供反馈. 学生们将把他们的作品组合成一个作品集, 包括至少一部独幕剧, 他们的剧本写作研究论文, their guided reflections and other work as determined 通过教授/学生会议.
先决条件:THTRE 1810FYW/THTRE 2810剧本写作 或者得到老师的许可.

戏剧写作三 (3 hours)

An intermediate course building upon the principles of dramatic construction and devices of playwriting learned in THTRE 1810FYW/戏剧写作1 and 3840剧本写作2. 重点是创造性写作练习 and 长篇作品的写作和修订. 每个学生都会, in addition, engage in the processes of literary adaptation and writing for children's theatre. Students will have the opportunity to share writing in class and receive 在支持性的车间环境中提供反馈. 学生将组装一个作品集,将 include their adaption, 他们的儿童戏剧项目, 期中和期末项目, their guided reflections and other work as determined 通过教授/学生会议. 先决条件:THTRE 1810FYW/THTRE 2810剧本写作 and 3840剧本写作2 or permission of instructor.

thtre4850剧本写作 (3 hours)

An intermediate course building upon the principles of dramatic construction and devices
of playwriting learned in THTRE 1810FYW/戏剧写作1, 3840剧本写作2, and
戏剧写作三. Emphasis is given to more advanced creative writing exercises and
整部剧本的写作和修改. 学生还将调查纪录片
theatre writing. Students will have the opportunity to share writing in class and receive
在支持性的车间环境中提供反馈. 学生将组装一个作品集,将
include 期中和期末项目, their guided reflections and other work as determined
先决条件:THTRE 1810FYW/THTRE 2810剧本写作, 3840剧本写作2, 和thtre3850剧本写作, 或者得到老师的许可.