English Awards

Contact or visit us

English Department
Stephanie Loos, Staff Assistant
Old Main, Room 102
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2343
sloos [at] htvdirect.net (sloos[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

English Awards

Each spring, 英语系每年评审并颁发大约16个奖项,以表彰包括戏剧在内的各种类型的最佳学生写作和艺术, poetry, prose fiction, non-fictional prose and critical essays analyzing literature.


提交这些奖项的指导方针包含在下面的链接中. Award deadlines will be announced each spring semester.

作为区分,Boatright奖颁发给每年出版的最佳作品 Flintlock, and all published work included in Flintlock is automatically considered for Boatright prizes.

English Awards Offered

The Carlos Camacho Humorous Writing Prize 

卡洛斯·卡马乔幽默写作奖是由内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学英语系赞助的年度竞赛,该奖项颁发给那些在风格上表现出色并将幽默作为作品风格手段的创造性写作作品. We encourage submitters to think of humor in its broadest sense. Be it slapstick, satire, dark comedy or just a bawdy limerick. 我们正在寻找的作品,利用幽默作为口音的艺术形式. 最重要的是,评委们要看的主要标准是,这件作品是否能让我们发笑?

Submission Guidelines

  • Creative works of writing in any genre are eligible (i.e. 诗歌,小说,创造性非小说和散文,戏剧,剧本,图形叙事).
  • 长度:每位学生提交的论文长度不应超过25页.
  • Submissions must be typed and double-spaced. Poetry submissions may be single-spaced. 每个提交必须包括一个标题页与提交的标题, the author’s name, and the author’s email and campus address.
  • Submissions should be submitted to sloos [at] htvdirect.net (Stephanie Loos) in Old Main Room 102.

Terms and Conditions

  • 您提交的稿件必须是您是唯一作者的原创作品.
  • The decision of the judges is final. The judges may choose no winner if they find no submission that, in their estimation, meets the expectations of the award.
  • 您的稿件必须按照投稿指南和参赛要求提交,否则将被取消资格.
  • No entries will be returned.
  • Winning submissions will be awarded $100. 获奖手稿也将在当年的《 Flintlock.
The Scott Stanfield Scholars Award

斯科特·斯坦菲尔德学者奖颁发给在专业学习中表现优异的北吴英语专业大四学生. The award is established by Thomas J. Hudson '95, 他非常重视斯科特·斯坦菲尔德教授对他在内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学经历的影响,并希望对斯科特·斯坦菲尔德博士表示感谢. 斯坦菲尔德卓越的教学和指导,以他的名字命名这个奖项. It is made possible through the generosity of Thomas J. Hudson, Erik Campbell, Dan Ruth和Jason Schmaderer从2023-24学年开始.

Submission Guidelines

To apply, 英语专业大三学生应向史考特·斯坦菲尔德学者评审委员会提交以下材料:

  • 一份他们认为最能代表他们和他们兴趣的作品集,不超过20页.
  • 候选人还将提供一份简要的个人简介,描述他们的背景, college experience, and life goals.
  • Submissions must be typed and double-spaced. Poetry submissions must be single-spaced.
  • 参赛作品应提交给老主楼102室的Stephanie Loos.

Terms and Conditions

  • 您提交的手稿必须只包括您是唯一作者的原创作品.
  • The decision of the judges is final. The judges may choose no winner if they find no submission that, in their estimation, meets the expectations of the award.
  • 您的稿件必须按照投稿指南和参赛要求提交,否则将被取消资格.
  • No entries will be returned.
  • Winning submissions will be awarded a scholarship of $1,000, to be awarded directly to the recipient by check or direct deposit. If extra gifts are received, a runner up award may also be given.
Ruth Meyer Scholarships

露丝·迈耶奖学金是由内布拉斯加州卫斯理英语系和B. Ruth Meyer创意写作基金(Ruth Meyer Creative Writing Endowment)颁发给两名具有创意写作能力和兴趣的大四英语专业学生,并由英语系教师与财务援助办公室协商后确定是否有资格获得资金. The two winning submissions will be awarded approximately $1,500. Amounts will be announced each year.

Submission Guidelines

  • 学生应在大三期间申请此奖学金.
  • 每位投稿者应提交一份创作作品的手稿,总长度不超过25页. Only creative works are eligible (i.e. 诗歌、小说、创造性非小说、戏剧、剧本、图形叙事)
  • Submissions must be typed and double-spaced. Poetry submissions may be single-spaced. 每次提交必须包括一个封面页,包括作者的名字, 提交的标题列表和作者的电子邮件地址和校园地址.
  • Submissions should be submitted to sloos [at] htvdirect.net (Stephanie Loos) in Old Main Room 102.

Terms and Conditions

  • 您提交的作品必须仅包括您是唯一作者的原创作品.
  • The decision of the judges is final. The judges may choose no winner if they find no submission that, in their estimation, meets the expectations of the award.
  • 您的稿件必须按照投稿指南和参赛要求提交,否则将被取消资格.
  • No entries will be returned. 
  • 已经获得全额学费奖学金的学生没有资格获得该奖学金的额外资助,也不应该申请.
The Promising Creative Writer Award

“创意写作新秀奖”是由内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学英语系主办的年度竞赛,颁发给计划从事创意写作职业的大四毕业生,最终进入创意写作研究生课程, 追求文学出版或其他职业作为一个专业的创意作家.

Submission Guidelines

  • 每位投稿者应提交一份创作作品的手稿,总长度不超过25页. Only creative works are eligible (i.e. 诗歌、小说、创造性非小说、戏剧、剧本、图形叙事) In addition, 提交者应在提交的材料中包括一份1-2页的陈述,阐明他们从内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学毕业后的职业计划.
  • Submissions must be typed and double-spaced. Poetry submissions may be single-spaced. 每次提交必须包括一个封面页,包括作者的名字, a list of the titles submitted, and the author’s email and campus address.
  • Submissions should be submitted to sloos [at] htvdirect.net (Stephanie Loos) in Old Main Room 102.

Terms and Conditions

  • 您提交的作品必须仅包括您是唯一作者的原创作品.
  • The decision of the judges is final. The judges may choose no winner if they find no submission that, in their estimation, meets the expectations of the award.
  • 您的稿件必须按照投稿指南和参赛要求提交,否则将被取消资格.
  • No entries will be returned.
  • Winning submissions will be awarded $300.
Boatright Awards

通过校友凯文·博赖特(74届)的慷慨解囊,所有学生的作品都发表在 Flintlock 在诗歌、小说、艺术、非小说和剧本写作方面有资格获得Boatright奖. Boatright奖由英语系、戏剧系和艺术系的成员评判.


  • Fiction writing
  • Poetry
  • 非小说类(创造性非小说类,创造性新闻类,文学和学术论文类)
  • Art (visual art, installation, sculpture, photography.)
  • Script Writing (stage plays, film scripts, graphic narratives)

以上每个组别的第一名和第二名分别获得$100和$50的奖金. The decision of the judges is final. The judges may choose no winner if they find no works that, in their estimation, 满足奖项的期望或落在指定类型.