
Contact or visit us

英语 Department
Stephanie Loos, Staff Assistant
Old Main, Room 102
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2343
sloos [at] htvdirect.net (sloos[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


Below is the coursework required to minor in writing. For an overview of this program, see 英语学位.

未成年人, with course flexibility, are offered in 写作. 许多主修专业和辅修专业的学生都从事实习工作,其中包括工作场所写作的职责, earning course credits and Experiential Learning credit. 学生还可以在校园文学和艺术期刊的编辑委员会中获得经验 燧发枪的

BUSAD 2300 Business Communication (3小时)

本课程将回顾有效的口头和书面沟通的基础知识,并将这些基础知识应用到商务写作和报告中. A variety of individual and collaborative projects, including memos, 信, 和报告, will emphasize the process of drafting, 修改, and editing business communications.
Prerequisite(s):  Business Administration, 会计, 经济学, International Business, or Sport Management major.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts (3或4小时)

(Normally offered annually in fall or spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year 写作
ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作 (4小时)

小说写作入门,强调小说的各种形式, 技术, and narrative voices. 学生写作的讨论将在工作坊中进行.
(Normally offered every spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作 (4小时)

一门介绍诗歌写作的课程,强调各种形式和技巧. 学生写作的讨论将在工作坊中进行.
(Normally offered every fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
ENG 2610 News Reporting (3小时)
一门新闻学入门课程,主要讲授新闻采集和写作的基本技巧, including a basic history of news media.
ENG 2680 Journalism Laboratory (1小时)

学生在报名ENG 2630新闻与言论自由课程的学生中担任编辑团队的领导,制作一个关于某种形式的新闻传播的项目. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits. 只通过/失败.

ENG 3020 Studies in 写作: Risk Fiction (4小时)

写作研究小组的每门课程都侧重于写作过程及其应用于特定类型(风险小说)的成果, 编剧, 混合基因, creative nonfiction, 传记, and memoir) or concept (writing the body), which will vary from semester to semester. 本课程以研讨会的形式进行,学生在课堂上朗读自己的作文,并对同学的作文作出回应.

Prerequisite(s): ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts, ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作, or ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作, or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Chaos Thread
ENG 3030 Studies in 写作: 写作 the Body (4小时)

写作研究小组的每门课程都侧重于写作过程及其应用于特定类型(风险小说)的成果, 编剧, 混合基因, creative nonfiction, 传记, and memoir) or concept (writing the body), which will vary from semester to semester. 本课程以研讨会的形式进行,学生在课堂上朗读自己的作文,并对同学的作文作出回应.

Prerequisite(s): ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts, ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作, or ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作, or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
ENG 3040 Studies In 写作: Scriptwriting (4小时)

写作研究小组的每门课程都侧重于写作过程及其应用于特定类型(风险小说)的成果, 编剧, 混合类型, creative nonfiction, 传记 and memoir) or concept (writing the body), which will vary from semester to semester. 本课程以研讨会的形式进行,学生在课堂上朗读自己的作文,并对同学的作文作出回应. Prerequisite(s): ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts, ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作, or ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作, or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Innovation Thread
ENG 3050 Studies In 写作: Hybrid Genres (4小时)

写作研究小组的每门课程都侧重于写作过程及其应用于特定类型(风险小说)的成果, 编剧, 混合类型, creative nonfiction, 传记 and memoir) or concept (writing the body), which will vary from semester to semester. 本课程以研讨会的形式进行,学生在课堂上朗读自己的作文,并对同学的作文作出回应. Prerequisite(s): ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts, ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作, or ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作, or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Chaos Thread
ENG 3070 Studies In 写作: Creative Nonfiction (4小时)

写作研究小组的每门课程都侧重于写作过程及其应用于特定类型(风险小说)的成果, 编剧, 混合类型, creative nonfiction, 传记 and memoir) or concept (writing the body), which will vary from semester to semester. 本课程以研讨会的形式进行,学生在课堂上朗读自己的作文,并对同学的作文作出回应. Prerequisite(s): ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts, ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作, or ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作, or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
ENG 3080 Studies In 写作: Biography & 回忆录 (4小时)

写作研究小组的每门课程都侧重于写作过程及其应用于特定类型(风险小说)的成果, 编剧, 混合类型, creative nonfiction, 传记 and memoir) or concept (writing the body), which will vary from semester to semester. 本课程以研讨会的形式进行,学生在课堂上朗读自己的作文,并对同学的作文作出回应. Prerequisite(s): ENG 1030FYW 写作 and the Creative Arts, ENG 2170 Introduction to Fiction 写作, or ENG 2190 Introduction to Poetry 写作, or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
ENG 3150 Professional and Community 写作 (2或4小时)

高级写作工作坊,涵盖修辞原则(发明), 安排, style, presentation) of various disciplines. 学生将完成与他们的专业和公民兴趣相关的写作项目.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
(Normally offered alternate fall semesters.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
ENG 3170 Advanced Fiction 写作: Finding Your Voice (4小时)

forms, 技术, and narrative voices. 特别是, 本课程将通过对身份和作者视角的讨论,着重于在写作中创造声音.  学生写作的讨论将在工作坊中进行.

先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术或ENG 2170小说写作入门.

(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
ENG 3190 Advanced Topics in Poetry 写作 (4小时)

诗歌写作的高级课程,继续强调各种形式和技巧. 学生写作的讨论将在工作坊中进行. Specific topics will vary by semester. 经导师许可,课程可以重修以获得学分.
先决条件:ENG 1030FYW写作和创意艺术或ENG 2190诗歌写作入门.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
1810年THTRE fyw Playwriting I (3小时)

戏剧写作1是一门向学生介绍戏剧结构原则和戏剧写作的形式手段的课程. 学生将在大小组、小组和结对中进行单独和合作写作. 重点是探索独白的创造性写作练习, 对话, character in text, language as action, 场景结构, 博览会, 和冲突. 学生将有机会在课堂上分享写作,并在一个支持性的研讨会环境中获得反馈. 学生将批判性地反思他们所写的内容,并将他们的写作组合起来.
学生不能同时获得1810年THTRE fyw剧本写作I和THTRE 2810剧本写作I的学分.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year 写作
THTRE 2810 Playwriting I (3小时)

戏剧写作1是一门向学生介绍戏剧结构原则和戏剧写作的形式手段的课程. 学生将在大小组、小组和结对中进行单独和合作写作. 重点是探索独白的创造性写作练习, 对话, character in text, language as action, 场景结构, 博览会, 和冲突. 学生将有机会在课堂上分享写作,并在一个支持性的研讨会环境中获得反馈. 学生将批判性地反思他们所写的内容,并将他们的写作组合起来.
学生不能同时获得1810年THTRE fyw剧本写作I和THTRE 2810剧本写作I的学分.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
THTRE 3840 Playwriting II (3小时)

这是一门写作指导课程,以在thtre1810fyw剧本写作I或thtre2810剧本写作I中学到的戏剧结构原则和剧本写作方法为基础. Emphasis is given to creative writing exercises, the writing and revision of longer works, and the writing of a research essay. 学生将有机会在课堂上分享写作,并在一个支持性的研讨会环境中获得反馈. Students will assemble a portfolio of their writing, including at least one one-act play, their playwriting research essay, 他们的指导思考和其他工作由教授/学生会议确定.
先决条件:1810年THTRE fyw/THTRE 2810剧本写作I或教师的许可.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: 写作 Instructive
THTRE 3850 Playwriting III (3小时)

这是一门中级课程,以在thtre1810fyw / thtre2810剧本创作I和thtre3840剧本创作II中学到的戏剧结构和剧本创作的原则为基础. 重点是给予创造性的写作练习和写作和修订较长的作品. Each student will, 除了, 参与儿童戏剧的文学改编和写作过程. 学生将有机会在课堂上分享写作,并在一个支持性的研讨会环境中获得反馈. 学生将组装一个作品集,其中将包括他们的改编, their children's theatre project, their midterm and final projects, 他们的指导思考和其他工作由教授/学生会议确定. 先决条件:1810年THTRE fyw/THTRE 2810剧本I和THTRE 3840剧本II或导师许可.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

THTRE 4850 Playwriting IV (3小时)

在thtre1810fyw / thtre2810剧本写作I, thtre3840剧本写作II,和
THTRE 3850 Playwriting III. 重点是给更先进的创造性写作练习和
the writing and revision of a full length play. Students will also investigate documentary
戏剧写作. 学生将有机会在课堂上分享写作,并收到
feedback in a supportive workshop environment. Students will assemble a portfolio that will
by professor/student conferencing.
Prerequisite(s): 1810年THTRE fyw/THTRE 2810 Playwriting I, THTRE 3840 Playwriting II, and THTRE 3850 Playwriting III, or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)