

(402) 465-2487
hkhalil [at] htvdirect.net (hkhalil[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


Below is the coursework required to minor in environmental studies. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 社会学和人类学学位.

必修课程 8 hours
生物1300环境科学概论 4 hours
SOC 2530人口与环境 4 hours
至少选修两门以下课程: 7-8 hours
选修课:至少两门以下课程: 6 - 8小时
  • A student must have at least two courses each from natural/physical sciences and social sciences.
  • 请注意,辅修课程中的一些课程也有先决条件.

文化人类学 (4 hours)

This course reviews the origin and development of culture in preliterate human societies. 它的重点是家庭的主要社会机构, 经济学, 政治组织, 和宗教.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – Global
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生物1300环境科学概论 (4 hours)

An introduction to environmental science and scientific methodology using the environment as the system of study. The goals are to help the student develop a better understanding of the environment, 深入了解在自然界中发现的人为问题, 探索人类与环境的关系, and provide practical experience in performing scientific measurements and experiments.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
BIO 3500保护生物学 (4 hours)

A course devoted to exploring issues related to biological diversity, 包括如何衡量生物多样性, 在哪里找到的?, 它的价值, 对它的威胁, and measure taken at the population and species level to conserve it. The course includes examining links between conservation and 经济学, law, and the social sciences. Case studies and discussions of local and global topics will encourage students to understand the varied threats to global biodiversity and the principles necessary to overcome them.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1400FYW Introduction to Biological Inquiry, BIO 2200 Genetics and Cell Biology and BIO 2300 Ecology and Evolution and sophomore standing or instructor permission.
Note: 环境研究 Minors are encouraged to register; please contact the instructor.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
环境经济学 (3 hours)

This course allows students to investigate resource scarcity, 能源问题, 以及未来的选择. Emphasis is placed on benefits and costs of environmental preservation and the contribution that the 经济学 discipline makes toward the solution of environmental problems. Selected current problems are integrated throughout the course.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in ECON 1540 Microeconomic Principles or permission of the instructor.

世界文学主题:环境 (4 hours)

Each course in the Topics in World Literature group will study a selection of literary works that engage the chosen topic--texts of different genres, 从历史上看, 来自不同的文化传统. The selected readings will present both abstract principles involved in the topic and its immediate, 生活的现实.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
环境历史 (4 hours)

A study of environmental history focusing primarily on the United States and including Canada and Mexico as they involve border environmental conflicts. 重点将放在环境哲学上, 少数民族, 权力与政治, 地方主义, 工业化, gender, 和文学. 课程形式为讲座, class discussions based on assigned readings from assigned texts, 以及补充资源, reports, videos, 实地考察.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Exploratory
能源与全球环境 (4 hours)

A course covering some of the most critical problems facing the world today - those relating to the production, 分布, 以及能源的使用. 热的基本概念, work, electricity and energy as they apply to energy use around the world will be studied. 能源的主要来源, 它们的价值和重要性, the historical and future demand for energy and the specific environmental problems and benefits encountered will be identified.
Prerequisite(s): One year of high school algebra or permission of instructor.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
全球环境政治 (4 hours)

This seminar provides an introduction to global environmental politics. Many of the environmental problems of the twenty first century, from climate change to food insecurity to protection of biological diversity and endangered species, 都是全球性的, 解决这些问题需要国际合作. The first part of the course provides the analytical foundation for evaluating environmental problems. 本学期的第二部分将会用到这些
analytic and policy tools to an evaluation of actors and solutions. 我们将研究国家和非国家行为体, 比如跨国社会运动, 公民社会, 非政府组织和国际组织, 企业和跨国公司, and

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
SOC 2530人口与环境 (4 hours)

This course examines the demographic and social dynamics of population size, 作文, 和分布. It addresses the relationships among population, human health, development and the environment. 强调跨文化. A major focus is the development of a semester research paper contrasting the status of the Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals, 环境状况, 以及发达国家和欠发达国家的健康状况.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
SOC 3210社会学思考:环境 (2 hours)

This course is part of the Thinking SocioLogically cluster and is centered on reading, discussing and critically analyzing a wide variety of perspectives on the environment, 以环境社会学作为综合的试金石. 主题涵盖古典和关键辩论. Students are encouraged to develop a personal environmental ethic to help frame their personal life choices and societal engagement.

先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
SOC 3530环境,食品和你 (4 hours)

This course identifies and explores issues involved in the interaction between humans and the environment. Students are introduced to social impact assessment as a means for identifying the ways resource exploitation leads to both the development and decline of communities. Food production is used to illustrate these impacts because it plays a significant role in community organization, 人类的生存, 环境恢复力.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍 or SOC 2530人口与环境.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread