

(402) 465-2343
sloos [at] htvdirect.net (sloos[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


每年春天, the 英语系 judges and presents roughly 16 annual prizes for the best student writing and art in a variety of genres including drama, 诗歌, 散文和小说, 非虚构的散文和分析文学的评论文章.

Prizes include monetary awards drawn from the gifts of generous donors and are available to all students from first-years to seniors.

Guidelines for submitting to these awards are included in the links below. 奖励截止日期将于每年春季学期公布.

In distinction, the Boatright Prizes are awarded to the best work published in each year’s issue of 燧发枪, 所有出版的作品都包含在 燧发枪 自动被考虑为Boatright奖.



卡洛斯·卡马乔幽默写作奖 is an annual competition sponsored by the Nebraska Wesleyan 英语系 that is awarded to a work of creative writing that exhibits excellence in style and that uses humor as a stylistic device of the work. 我们鼓励投稿者从最广泛的意义上思考幽默. 无论是闹剧、讽刺、黑色喜剧,还是淫秽的打油诗. We are seeking works that utilize humor as an accent to the art form. Above all, the main criterion the judges will be looking at is, does this work make us laugh?


  • 任何体裁的创作作品都有资格(i.e. 诗歌, 小说, 创造性的非小说 and essays, 戏剧, 剧本, graphic narratives).
  • Length: Each submission per student should be no more than 25 pages in length.
  • 参赛作品必须以双倍行距打印. 提交的诗歌可以单行. Each submission must include a title page with the submission title, 作者姓名, 还有作者的邮箱和校园地址.
  • 参赛作品应提交至 sloos [at] htvdirect.net (Stephanie厕所) 在老主楼102室.


  • Your submitted manuscript must be an original work of which you are the sole author.
  • 裁判的决定是最终决定. 如果裁判认为没有任何参赛作品符合, 在他们看来, 符合奖项的期望.
  • Your manuscript must be submitted in accordance with the submission guidelines and entry requirements or it will be disqualified.
  • 没有条目将被退回.
  • 获奖作品将获得100美元的奖励. The winning manuscript will also be featured in that year’s issue of 燧发枪.

斯科特·斯坦菲尔德学者奖 goes to a senior NWU English major who has excelled in the pursuit of the major. 该奖项由Thomas J. 哈德逊95年, who greatly valued Professor Scott Stanfield's impact on his experience at Nebraska Wesleyan and wishes to express his appreciation for Dr. Stanfield's extraordinary teaching and mentorship by naming this award in his honor. 多亏了Thomas J. Hudson, Erik Campbell, Dan Ruth and Jason Schmaderer beginning with the 2023-24 academic year.


应用, junior English majors should submit to the Scott Stanfield Scholar Review Committee the following materials:

  • A portfolio of work they feel best represents them and their interests, not to exceed 20 pages.
  • Candidates will also provide a brief biography describing their background, 大学经历, 人生目标.
  • 参赛作品必须以双倍行距打印. 提交的诗歌必须是单行的.
  • 参赛作品应提交至 Stephanie Loos 在老主楼102室.


  • Your submitted manuscript must include only original works of which you are the sole author.
  • 裁判的决定是最终决定. 如果裁判认为没有任何参赛作品符合, 在他们看来, 符合奖项的期望.
  • Your manuscript must be submitted in accordance with the submission guidelines and entry requirements or it will be disqualified.
  • 没有条目将被退回.
  • 获奖作品将获得1美元的奖学金,000, 以支票或直接存款的方式直接授予收件人. 如果收到额外的礼物,还可以获得亚军奖.

The 露丝·梅耶奖学金 are an annual competition sponsored by the Nebraska Wesleyan 英语系 and the B. Ruth Meyer Creative Writing Endowment that is awarded to two senior English majors with proven ability and interest in creative writing and selected by the 英语系 Faculty in consultation with Financial Aid office to confirm eligibility to receive the funds. 两份获奖作品将获得约1,500美元的奖金. 金额将每年公布.


  • Students should apply for this scholarship during their junior year.
  • Each submitter should submit a manuscript of creative work totaling no more than 25 pages in length. 只有创意作品才有资格(i.e. 诗歌, 小说, 创造性的非小说, 戏剧, 剧本, graphic narratives)
  • 参赛作品必须以双倍行距打印. 提交的诗歌可以单行. Each submission must include a cover sheet that includes 作者姓名, 提交的标题列表 还有作者的邮箱和校园地址.
  • 参赛作品应提交至 sloos [at] htvdirect.net (Stephanie厕所) 在老主楼102室.


  • Your submission must include only original works of which you are the sole author.
  • 裁判的决定是最终决定. 如果裁判认为没有任何参赛作品符合, 在他们看来, 符合奖项的期望.
  • Your manuscript must be submitted in accordance with the submission guidelines and entry requirements or it will be disqualified.
  • 没有条目将被退回. 
  • Students who already have full-tuition scholarships are not eligible for additional funding with this scholarship and should not apply.

The Promising Creative Writing Award is an annual competition sponsored by the Nebraska Wesleyan 英语系 that is awarded to a graduating senior student who plans to pursue a career in creative writing be that through eventual entry into a graduate program in creative writing, pursuit of a career in literary publishing or some other career as a professional creative writer.


  • Each submitter should submit a manuscript of creative work totaling no more than 25 pages in length. 只有创意作品才有资格(i.e. 诗歌, 小说, 创造性的非小说, 戏剧, 剧本, 图形叙事)此外, submitters should include with their submission a 1-2 page statement articulating their professional plans post-graduation from Nebraska Wesleyan.
  • 参赛作品必须以双倍行距打印. 提交的诗歌可以单行. Each submission must include a cover sheet that includes 作者姓名, 提交的标题列表, 还有作者的邮箱和校园地址.
  • 参赛作品应提交至 sloos [at] htvdirect.net (Stephanie厕所) 在老主楼102室.


  • Your submission must include only original works of which you are the sole author.
  • 裁判的决定是最终决定. 如果裁判认为没有任何参赛作品符合, 在他们看来, 符合奖项的期望.
  • Your manuscript must be submitted in accordance with the submission guidelines and entry requirements or it will be disqualified.
  • 没有条目将被退回.
  • 获奖作品将获得300美元的奖金.

Through the generosity of alumnus Kevin Boatright (’74), all student work published in the 燧发枪 is eligible for Boatright奖 in 诗歌, 小说 writing, art, non小说 and script writing. The Boatright awards are judged by members of the English, Theater, and Art Departments.

There are five sets of Boatright奖 given out each year in the following categories:

  • 小说写作
  • 诗歌
  • Non小说 (创造性的非小说, creative journalism, literary and academic essays)
  • 艺术(视觉艺术、装置、雕塑、摄影.)
  • 剧本写作(舞台剧、电影剧本、图文叙事)

For each category above, there is a first and second place prize awarded $100 and $50 respectively. 裁判的决定是最终决定. 如果评委们没有发现符合以下要求的作品,他们可以不选出获胜者, 在他们看来, meet the expectations of the award or fall within a designated genre.