Business-Sociology (B.S.)

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Sociology Department
Heba Khalil, Ph.D.
(402) 465-2487
hkhalil [at] (hkhalil[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)

Business-Sociology (B.S.)

商业-社会学学位结合了商业课程, 会计和经济学,社会学和人类学课程.

Required Courses 39-42 hours
商业社会学专业(B.S., 52-56 hours)
SOC 1110社会学导论 4 hours
SOC 1330/SOC 2330种族关系和少数群体 4 hours
社会不平等 4 hours
SOC 3920 Social Theory 4 hours
SOC 3930定量研究方法 4 hours
SOC 3940定性研究方法 4 hours
SOC 3520群体动力学 or
BUSAD 2500管理原则 or
6-8 hours
ACCT 1310会计原理1 3 hours
经济学1530宏观经济原理 or
3 hours


3-4 hours
Electives 10-11 hours

从下列课程中选择三门,或从上述要求之外的课程中选择. 一个学科最多只能开设两门课程.

BUSAD 2000市场营销原理

BUSAD 2700商业法1

BUSAD 3000组织行为学


BUSAD 4700企业家精神

SOC 1350/SOC 2350家庭社会学

SOC 2530人口与环境

SOC 3540/SOC 4540城市社区

10-11 hours
Capstone 3 hours
SOC 4970 Internship or 商业实习 or
SOC 4990 Thesis
3 hours

ACCT 1310会计原理1 (3 hours)

This is an introduction to the basic accounting model and the framework for developing financial statements. The major focus is on the study of generally accepted accounting principles as they apply to the measurement of income and the presentation of a firm's financial position.

BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 (3 hours)

Students examine the role of marketing in society with an introduction to the fundamentals of strategic marketing planning and the development of the marketing mix. 主题包括买家行为, market segmentation, distribution, pricing policies, 传播策略, and product development.

商业和经济统计 (3 hours)

介绍描述统计和推论统计. 主题包括聚会, organizing, interpreting, and presenting data with emphasis on hypothesis testing as a method for decision making in the fields of business and economics. 程序包括z检验、t检验、方差分析、相关性和简单回归.
交叉上市与ECON 2100.

BUSAD 2500管理原则 (3 hours)

管理理论与实践概论. 学生探索管理的历史和管理人员运作的环境. 课堂讨论的重点是计划的基本管理功能, organizing, leading, and controlling.

BUSAD 2700商业法1 (3 hours)

介绍法律、法院、侵权行为和合同. 它还将探讨法律在商业中的应用. 这是工商管理和会计专业的必修课.

BUSAD 3000组织行为学 (3 hours)

本课程为理解组织内的行为提供了一个概念性框架. 学生在个人、团体和组织层面探索行为. 分析单元包括个性、领导力、冲突、动机、权力和政治.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2500管理原则 或者得到老师的许可.

人力资源管理 (3 hours)

深入研究当前人力资源管理的政策和问题. 科目包括人力资源规划, recruiting, selection, training, management development, compensation, discipline, labor relations, 平等就业机会法律法规, 人力资源管理政策.

高级人力资源管理 (3 hours)

Labor legislation, labor trends, 并探讨了许多有争议的当代人力资源管理问题. The course is taught by case method along with lecture and general discussion of selected topics related to current personnel problems and trends. The cases used are designed to demonstrate the student's ability to apply sound human resource management concepts and principles in arriving at effective and workable solutions to complex contemporary problems.
先决条件:BUSAD 3200人力资源管理成绩C-或以上.

BUSAD 4700企业家精神 (3 hours)

学生使用多学科的商业技能来识别, analyze, and execute practical management solutions to the various problems and opportunities of a small business enterprise. 编制重大项目的实际经营计划. Lectures and guest speakers from the community help provide students a clearer understanding of the link between theoretical studies and the practical world of business.
先决条件:初级地位和“C-”或更好的成绩在ACCT 1310会计原则I, BUSAD 2500管理原理和BUSAD 2000营销原理, 或者得到老师的许可.

商业实习 (3 hours)

Each student must work with the department internship coordinator to obtain a business-related internship related to the specific area of emphasis or interest of the student. 本课程为每位学生提供与工作相关的商业应用机会. 在特殊情况下, a second internship may be taken for credit with the approval of the business department chair and the internship coordinator.
No Pass/Fail.

经济学1530宏观经济原理 (3 hours)

对美国宏观经济理论、问题和政策的考察.S. economy. 主题包括供给和需求, 对主要经济部门的描述, 以及政府在通过货币和财政政策稳定经济方面的作用.

经济学1540微观经济学原理 (3 hours)

对美国微观经济理论、问题和政策的考察.S. economy. 主题包括公司理论, market structures, 以及当前的经济问题,如收入分配, antitrust policy, poverty, the farm problem, and international trade.
先决条件:ECON 1530宏观经济原则强烈建议.

经济学2100商业和经济统计 (3 hours)

参见BUSAD 2100商业和经济统计.

SOC 1110社会学导论 (4 hours)

本课程将介绍社会学视角作为社会探究的一种方法. 学生探索文化等基本概念, socialization, social structure, social interaction, and social change. They study and apply the theories and research methodologies used to investigate human social interaction. 这些概念适用于种族等社会话题, class, gender, family, crime, population, environment, and others.

SOC 1330种族关系和少数群体 (4 hours)

参见SOC 2330种族关系和少数群体.

SOC 1350家庭社会学 (4 hours)

参见SOC 2350家庭社会学.

SOC 2330种族关系和少数群体 (4 hours)

This course uses sociological perspectives to examine the causes and consequences of a society stratified by racial-ethnic diversity. It looks at the way historical decisions made by the dominant group have impacted the current situation for majority-minority relations in the U.S.A structural assessment of current social relations is emphasized although individual prejudice and discrimination is examined. 研究了白人特权、移民和制度歧视等概念. The requirements of the 2330 course are the same as the 1330 course EXCEPT that students in the higher course number complete a 20 hour service-learning component which fulfills an exploratory experiential learning requirement of the Archway Curriculum.

SOC 2350家庭社会学 (4 hours)

这门课程分析了男人和女人之间的各种相互关系,重点是爱情, courtship, marriage, and family. Institutional, social, and policy perspectives are presented in a cross-cultural and historical frame of reference to clarify the dynamic relationship between the family, its members, and broader U.S. society. The requirements of the 2350 course are the same as the 1350 course EXCEPT that students in the higher course number complete a field interview project that involves significant writing and which fulfills the writing instructive designation of Archway.

SOC 2530人口与环境 (4 hours)

本课程探讨人口规模的人口学和社会动态, composition, and distribution. 它处理人口、人类健康、发展和环境之间的关系. 强调跨文化. A major focus is the development of a semester research paper contrasting the status of the Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals, environmental status, 以及发达国家和欠发达国家的健康状况.

SOC 2910社会统计 (4 hours)

In this course students are introduced to descriptive and inferential statistics and their applications to sociological research. 统计程序包括集中趋势测量, variability, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, regression, and chi square. 课程还包括使用SPSS进行分析的具体培训.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.

社会不平等 (4 hours)

本课程探讨社会分层, 社会不平等社会资源分配不平等的社会形态,导致社会不平等. 它特别关注社会阶层, but also considers how class intersects with other social categories (such as race/ethnicity and gender) to create even further inequality. 它还考察了社会不平等和美国主要社会制度的相互联系.S. society. 它还探讨了全球的社会不平等.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.

SOC 3520群体动力学 (4 hours)

因为所有的社会互动都是在群体中进行的, 本课程向学生介绍小组结构和互动的基本原则. Students participate in group activities throughout the semester in order to study and reflect on the way groups function and influence individual behavior and identity. 主题,如目标,凝聚力,沟通,冲突和领导进行了调查.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.

SOC 3540城市社区 (4 hours)

参见SOC 4540城市社区.

SOC 3920 Social Theory (4 hours)

本课程探讨了关于人类的大思想的广泛概述, society, change, stability, 以及在19世纪到21世纪初影响了社会学和其他社会科学的混乱. 广泛的观点包括:马克思主义, Functionalism, 韦伯式的合理化, 符号互动论, Feminisms, Queer Theory, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Rational Choice, 后现代主义和后结构主义, 以及全球化理论. 本课程培养批判性思维, analysis, application, 写作技巧对专业来说也是必不可少的, minors, 以及对批判性地审视社会感兴趣的学生.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.

SOC 3930定量研究方法 (4 hours)

In this course, students are introduced to quantitative research methods commonly used in social science research: survey research, experimental design, secondary analysis, 以及评价研究. 重点是调查研究, 包括方案设计, 调查问卷结构, sampling, data collection, statistical analysis, 以及结果的正式展示. 课程的关键要素是学习提出可研究的问题和制定可测试的假设.

先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍 and any Statistics course (SOC 2910社会统计 is preferred.)


SOC 3940定性研究方法 (4 hours)

In this course, 向学生介绍社会科学研究中常用的定性研究方法. 重点是个性化的项目设计, project construction, data analysis, 以及结果的正式展示. 课程内容包括观察探索, participant observation, ethnography, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, content analysis, case study, 以及在线研究的定性创新.

先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.


SOC 4540城市社区 (4 hours)

本课程探讨城市社区及其历史根源. 涵盖的主题包括人口和生态趋势, 跨文化差异, and current theories about urban processes and community in order to foster an understanding of this dominant form of human social organization. 学生参与社区发展等领域的实地研究, urban administration, spatial organization, 当代社会问题. The requirements of the 4540 course are the same as the 3540 course EXCEPT that students in the higher course number complete a semester-length field project relevant to the course material.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.

SOC 4970 Internship (1-8 hours)

This course is a field placement at an agency/organization that is related to the student's area of career interest. 需要大量的现场接触时间和与导师的定期会议. 本课程最多可重修8个学分. No Pass/Fail. 交叉上市与CRIM 4970.

SOC 4990 Thesis (3 hours)

This course is one of two options to fulfill the capstone requirement for all Sociology-Anthropology majors. (毕业论文或实习必须结合顶点研讨会完成专业.) This course requires the completion of an independent sociological research project in a topic area of interest to the student. The completed project should be conference quality scientific article can be presented to the academic community in such formats as the NWU Student Symposium or a discipline related conference. 学生负责研究过程的所有阶段, 包括选题, 学术文献综述, definition of the population; sample selection; methodology, 数据收集和分析,并准备最终报告(论文). 论文和报告应提供证据,证明学生有能力进行批判性整合, synthesis, 和分析的想法,并已获得专业水平的书面和口头沟通能力, 从而表现出对部门目标的掌握. No Pass/Fail. 与CRIM 4990论文交叉上市.


