Male student in a lab coat looking through a microscope.
Committee Letter and veCollect指令

Committee Letter and veCollect指令

NWU Pre-health Committee Letter Instructions

Based on the materials you provide in the 北吴医学院申请表 (PDF)或 北武牙科学院申请表 (PDF) and your letters of recommendation submitted to veCollect (see instructions below), the Pre-健康委员会 will prepare a “letter packet” or summary letter about you. It incorporates highlights of your personal data, what your letter writers have said about you, 以及委员会的建议. It also includes the original letters of recommendation that have been submitted for you. 

医学院申请者, this collated letter and original letters will be posted on VirtualEvals, a secure online service that will make your password-protected file accessible to ONLY the schools you are applying to. VirtualEvals will send you an email when your letters have been posted and another when each school downloads your file. NWU will cover the cost of this service (approximately $15 per student). 

如果你申请牙科学校, the committee letters may be submitted online directly through AADSAS. 使用博士. 马罗夫的名字是主要联系人. Take advantage early of the advice and services the NWU Pre-健康 committee offers, as few colleges provide its applicants with such integrated services.


Be sure to read these instructions carefully. If you are using the NWU Pre-健康委员会 process and requesting a collated committee letter, 你将使用 veCollect,提供网上代收信件服务. Committee Letters are available for students who are applying to medical, 牙科, 而且仅限于足部学校. 医师助理, 物理治疗, 药店, 验光, 兽医, and other programs utilize the Centralized Application Service (CAS), and individual letters of recommendation must be submitted directly by the referee. 



  • 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 has subscribed to the veCollect system and has paid for your access.
  • 注册以十大网络娱乐平台排名 veCollect网站.
  • Note: You do not need to know your AMCAS/AADSAS/AACOMAS/AACOMAS ID to register.
  • Once you receive notification that your account is activated, you may begin to use veCollect.

My Evaluators tab – Setting Up Evaluators


Create both an Evaluator AND Letter record for each person that will be submitting a letter on your behalf, 包括一封委员会信函.

  • 点击 添加新的评估器 to set up records for each letter-writer.
  • Enter the contact information for each evaluator, including their accurate email address.
  • 然后单击 创建评估记录.


  • Under the name of the evaluator you just created, click 创建新的信件记录. Select the type of school you are applying to—i.e. 医疗或牙科. Medical includes DO, MD/PhD, and podiatry.
  • 在这一页, you must provide a response and signature (type your name within the box) regarding the FERPA statement. 然后单击 创建信件记录.


如果你还没做过的话, set up an evaluator record for the Committee Letter, 使用以下信息:

地址1:5000 St. 保罗大道
电子邮件: cjm [at] (cjm[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)

然后,就像你之前做的那样,点击 创建新的信件记录, choose the program type, and sign the FERPA. If you are applying to more than one program type (i.e. MD and DO schools) you will need to indicate that by providing your AACOMAS and AMCAS ID numbers when you receive them.



  • When looking at the My Evaluators page, you see a clickable 信封图标 next to the letter records. 
  • When you're ready to notify an evaluator to submit their letter, 点击 信封图标 给他们发邮件. The email will contain all the instructions they need to submit their letter to veCollect. 
  • When an evaluator has submitted their letter, a red Adobe Acrobat (PDF) symbol will appear within the evaluator record. It takes 1-2 business days from the time a letter is submitted for the letter to be matched to your account.
  • Students should request the letter in person before sending the email request! You should give your referees approximately two weeks to submit their recommendation. 
  • Be sure to send a thank you note when they have uploaded their letter.


Students do NOT need to enter their selected schools into this section. The committee will submit your letters to AADSAS, AACOMAS或AMCAS使用veClient, 也是VirtualEvals服务的一部分. The cost of veClient is also covered by 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 and there is no charge to you, 申请人.

My Quiver tab – When your letters are in

When all expected individual letters of recommendation have been received:

  • 点击创建一个箭袋 创建新箭袋.
  • In the description, reference the program type, i.e. MD Quiver, DO Quiver, Dental Quiver, 等. 
  • Select all of the letters to be included in the packet, INCLUDING the Committee Letter (even if it has not been uploaded yet). You may collect more letters in your account than you end up adding to your quiver. Your quiver is limited to seven letters 包括委员会信. Note that most schools limit you to four letters of evaluation and many schools have specific requests, such as “two letters from science professors”, 一封来自DO的信, 等.

处理我的信件 tab – When you've set up your quiver and letters are ready to be forwarded

当所有期望的信件, 包括委员会信, have been received and the quiver reflects ALL letters you want to have sent to professional schools, 点击 处理我的信件 tab, "sign" the page by typing in your name, and click 加工和锁定箭袋.