Modern Language Studies (B.A.)

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Modern Languages Department
JoAnn Fuess
Department Chair
Old Main, Room 220
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2225
jmf [at] (jmf[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Modern Language Studies (B.A.)

Language Concentrations: French, German, Japanese, Spanish
 (Other language concentrations may be approved by the Department Chair. 对汉语和日语有兴趣的学生可以考虑学习国际研究专业.)

Related Majors:
International Studies (B.A., B.S.)
International Business (B.A.)
Social Work (B.A.)
Biology (B.S.)

内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的现代语言系为学生通过语言学习参与一个多样化和不断变化的世界做好准备, literatures and cultures. 认识到语言的研究是文科教育的中心经验, 现代语言系通过牌坊课程及其主要和次要课程为全体学生服务. At every level, students develop skills in listening, reading, speaking, and writing, equipping them to communicate with global competence.

Modern Language Studies at NWU:
语言和文化的研究是人文学科的核心,对学生在全球互联的社会中为职业生涯做准备至关重要. The Department of Modern Languages offers a broad curriculum with courses in language, culture and literature, 通过与大学各部门和项目的跨学科合作以及海外学习机会提供支持.

现代语言研究专业和现代语言文学辅修课程鼓励学生深入研究语言和文化. Beginning with a focus on literacy by developing skills to read, write, and communicate effectively in the language of concentration, 我们的专业和未成年人学习的学科是互补的学科,如历史, Linguistics, Political Science, Communication Studies, and Anthropology. By approaching language and cultural studies through an interdisciplinary lens, 我们的目标是培养具有跨文化能力的受过良好教育的外语使用者.

Language Placement: 先前有语言学习的学生可以通过评估结果和/或部门确定的其他标准获得高级水平的安置资格.

Department Learning Outcomes
Majors will be able to:

  1. 能有效地表达自己的意思,并能被以英语为母语的人理解.
  2. Understand native speech.
  3. 运用多种应对策略以目的语进行口头和非口头交流.
  4. 阅读和理解为目标语言的母语人士写的各种文本.
  5. 用目标语言调查当地、国家和国际上感兴趣的问题.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of linguistic and cultural aspects of another county.
  7. 通过在另一种语言和文化环境中生活,提高跨文化能力.


Modern Language Studies (B.A.**, 40 hours)

The Modern Language Studies major is comprised of four elements: Language Concentration, Study Abroad/Modern Language Studies Core Courses, Modern Language Studies Electives, and Capstone Courses

1. Language Concentrations - Select One

24 hours



24 hours of MFREN at the 3000 and 4000 level.

4 credit hours must be at the 4000 level.




24 hours of MGRMN at the 3000 and 4000 level.
4 credit hours must be at the 4000 level.




24 hours of MSPAN at the 3000 and 4000 level.
4 credit hours must be at the 4000 level.


Other Language


Select courses in another language, as approved by the Department Chair.


2. Modern Language Studies Study Abroad and Core Courses

2-3 hours

For all language concentrations, 学生必须在批准的东道国和项目的集中语言中完成出国留学经历(或由现代语言部门批准的类似沉浸式体验). Students are highly encouraged to complete a semester-long study abroad program.

有关许多可用的交流项目、经济援助和奖学金选择的信息, 学生应与全球参与主任交谈,并十大网络娱乐平台排名出国留学资源图书馆.


In conjunction with the semester abroad, students must also complete:

MLANG 3010 Preparing for Education Abroad

MLANG 3020 Engaging in Study Abroad (or MLANG 3020N or MLANG 2500)

MLANG 3030 Processing the International Experience

2-3 hours


3. Modern Language Studies Electives

10 hours

  • 任何语言都可以获得学分,但不计入专注语言的3000/4000学分的24小时学分.
  • 可以在现代语言系以外的课程中获得学分,这些课程支持语言和/或文化的研究-参考 list of approved courses. Other courses must be pre-approved by the Department Chair.

4. Capstone Courses

3 hours

MLANG 4990 Senior Project

2 hours

MLANG 4980 Senior Capstone

1 hour


Additional Considerations

  • Majors preparing to teach a modern language should consult the Education Department.

**A Modern Language Studies major customarily earns a B.A. degree. However, if a student has a first major that is associated with a different baccalaureate degree, 现代语言研究专业可以作为与第一专业(B)相关学位的第二专业.S., B.FA., B.M., B.S.N.). 


MLANG 2500 Faculty Led Trip (0 hours)

Our faculty regularly lead short-term study trips abroad during the summer. Locations include Spain, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and Austria. Credits available vary by program and student language level. 有关当前旅行和学分的详细信息可通过全球参与办公室的现代语言部门获得.
Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
MLANG 3010 Preparing for Education Abroad (1 hour)

Designed to prepare students who are considering or planning to go abroad for study, work, 或者通过调查在另一种文化中面对生活的许多方面来进行志愿者/服务学习. Topics to be covered include intercultural communication, cross-cultural value systems, foreign academic systems, cultural self-awareness, and challenges and opportunities that are unique to language-learning abroad.本课程将为学生提供工具,使他们的经历更加成功和有益. 这门课程既适合已经申请项目的学生,也适合刚刚开始探索出国想法的学生.P/F only.

(Offered every semester.)

MLANG 3020 Engaging in Study Abroad (1 hour)

Designed to engage students in meaningful activities while studying abroad, to maintain a connection with students while abroad, 并在留学期间促进技能和知识的持续发展. 本课程将向学生介绍目的国文化和/或语言学习的具体策略,以帮助学生在东道国文化中获得有意义和富有成效的体验. 学生在第一学期的海外学习经历中同时修习本课程.
Corequisite(s): IDS 2700E Study Abroad-Exchange Program, IDS 2700N Study Abroad-Nonexchange, or MLANG 2500 Faculty Led Trip.

(Offered every semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Global
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
MLANG 3020N Engaging in Study Abroad Non-exchange (0 hours)

Designed to engage students in meaningful activities while studying abroad, to maintain a connection with students while abroad, 并在留学期间促进技能和知识的持续发展. 本课程将向学生介绍目的国文化和/或语言学习的具体策略,以帮助学生在东道国文化中获得有意义和富有成效的体验. 学生在第一学期的海外学习经历中同时修习本课程. For students participating in non-exchange study abroad programs.
(Offered every semester.)

MLANG 3030 Processing the International Experience (1 hour)

成功完成一学期或一年海外学习或国际实习的学生. 学生将通过分析具体的文化和教育经历,并与在国外有类似经历的学生互动,进一步处理这些经历.P/F only.
(Offered every semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
MLANG 4980 Senior Capstone (1 hour)

Culmination course in which students reflect on their academic growth, integrate knowledge, carry out an assessment of their academic career, develop professional materials, 为他们从本科教育过渡到未来的职业做好准备. 本课程在学生内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学居住的最后一年进行,与完成MLANG 4990高级项目同时进行或之后进行.
Pre or Corequisite(s): MLANG 4990 Senior Project.       

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
MLANG 4990 Senior Project (2 hours)

高级水平的研究和写作研讨会支持学生在批准的高级项目上的个人工作. 本课程为毕业专业必修课程,在MLANG 4980高级顶点课程之前或同时修习.
先决条件:MFREN 3050法语语言和写作或MGRMN 3050德语语言和写作或MSPAN 3100西班牙语组成和系主任的许可.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive