

(402) 465-2343
sloos [at] htvdirect.net (sloos[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


Below is the course工作 required to minor in international studies. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 国际研究学位.

核心需求 10 - 12小时

A. Global Perspectives (take two courses from the following options):

7 - 8个小时

B. Cultural and Scientific Perspectives (choose one course from the following options):

3 - 4个小时
现代语言要求 6个小时

The language requirement may be completed in one of the following ways:

  1. 任何语言6小时
  2. Students whose second language is English may be exempted from the requirement by the 国际研究 Director
重点区域 9小时

All minors must complete an emphasis area of courses in a specific world region or topical area. The 国际研究 Director will 工作 with students to create an emphasis area that reflects their strengths. Examples of recent emphasis areas include Asian Studies, 拉丁美洲研究, 工业化国家, 外交政策, or Development Studies but students may create their own emphasis with the approval of the 国际研究 Director.

At least two of the courses in the emphasis area must be taken at 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学. 一门课程必须达到3000或4000级.


文化人类学 (4小时)

This course reviews the origin 和发展 of culture in preliterate human societies. It focuses on the major social institutions of family, 经济学, 政治组织, 和宗教.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – Global
ARH 1030FYW非西方艺术史调查 (4小时)

This course surveys the art of “Non-Western” societies from prehistory to the present. Cultures discussed include South and Southeast Asia, 中国和日本, 非洲, and cultures of the Americas (Pre-Conquest and Native American). The term “Non-Western” traditionally refers to cultures that initially developed outside the realm of Western culture and at some distance from the European artistic tradition. The term is not only excessively broad but also problematic, because it implies an opposition to western art. 我们将探讨这些问题. The main objective of the course is to provide students with a global perspective on the richness and diversity of art produced by the cultures studied. It also considers the impact of colonization and globalization on the treatment of art工作s from non-western cultures and the development of new art forms.

拱门的课程: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year Writing
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – Global
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
生物1300环境科学概论 (4小时)

An introduction to environmental science and scientific methodology using the environment as the system of study. The goals are to help the student develop a better understanding of the environment, gain insight into human-caused problems found in nature, explore the relationships of humanity with the environment, and provide practical experience in performing scientific measurements and experiments.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
历史1110世界文明 (4小时)

An in-depth study of one time frame across world cultures. The course is designed to introduce students to the uniqueness and interconnectedness of cultures in the global community. Historical dimensions of today's ethical and political concerns will be examined in order to foster responsible world citizenship. Course topics change regularly and may include a global survey of the twentieth century or the history of indigenous nations leading up to the Age of European Exploration. (通常每学期提供.)

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – Global
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
能源与全球环境 (4小时)

A course covering some of the most critical problems facing the world today - those relating to the production, 分布, 以及能源的使用. 热的基本概念, 工作, electricity and energy as they apply to energy use around the world will be studied. 能源的主要来源, 它们的价值和重要性, the historical and future demand for energy and the specific environmental problems and benefits encountered will be identified.
Prerequisite(s): One year of high school algebra or permission of instructor.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
POLSC 1100 Introduction to International Politics (4小时)

This course provides an introduction to the concepts, theories and methods of international politics. It highlights the similarities and differences between political systems, as well the nature of relations between these political systems. 通过研究政治暴力, 民主化, 安全, 贸易, 和发展, this class will equip students to analyze current problems and experiences.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
1150世界宗教 (3小时)

This course is a study of the cultural settings, 创始人的生活,如果合适的话, 口头或书面的传统和文学, 世界观, 神话, 仪式, 行为准则, 和发展 of some of the world's religions. Religions studied will typically include tribal religions, 印度教, 耆那教, 佛教, 道教, 儒家思想, 神道教, 琐罗亚斯德教, 犹太教, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 锡克教, 和巴哈教徒. 阅读, 视频, and websites will help introduce and illustrate not only the cultural settings in which these religions appear, but also the voices and faces of contemporary religious practitioners.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – Global
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Power Thread