

(402) 465-2366
dhanke [at] htvdirect.net (dhanke[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


Below is the coursework required to minor in exercise science. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 健康和人类绩效学位.

hhp1270高级紧急护理 (1小时)

A study and application of the principles and techniques involved in the advanced administration of first aid, 心肺复苏术, 自动电子除颤器(aed). 学生将获得美国红十字会认证.

hhp1910医学术语 (1小时)

This course focuses on the systematic approach to word building and term comprehension of medical terms. Includes definitions, spellings, pronunciations and common abbreviations of medical terms.

hhp2500基本人类营养 (2小时)

This is a course designed to provide students with the basic scientific principles of nutrition focusing on their personal choices and experiences. The student will develop a definition of nutrition, and learn how nutrition has evolved. The student will be introduced to the concepts of: essential nutrient classifications, 定义和发展健康饮食, 对特定营养素的建议, 饮食失调, 能量平衡与肥胖, 身体成分, 终生营养(婴儿期至老年人), and food/beverage choices and the influence on chronic disease and optimal wellbeing.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Human 健康 and Disease Thread
hhp2720按摩疗法导论 (3小时)

This course is an introduction to the field of massage therapy in rehabilitation programs and personal wellness plans. 本课程将讨论本地问题, 国家和全球视角, 目前的研究, 该领域的历史和发展. Laboratory experiences with methods in wellness massage are emphasized.


拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Human 健康 and Disease Thread
hhp2800临床运动生理学 (2小时)

This course is designed to introduce students to clinical exercise. This course will involve the application of clinical exercise physiology to medical populations, 包括心血管疾病患者, 肺病, 糖尿病, 癌症, 以及各种肌肉骨骼疾病和失调. 心电图解释导论, 运动测试, 案例研究分析也包括在内.

hhp2850结构运动学 (1小时)

This course integrates musculoskeletal anatomy with human movement. Students will learn and apply musculoskeletal anatomy and joint actions to upper extremity, 下肢, 还有躯干的运动.


hhp3100工地健康促进 (3小时)

A course designed to introduce students to concepts and practices relating to worksite health promotion. Students will learn how to develop, implement, and evaluate wellness promotion programs. Students will complete a 20-hour field experience in an assigned worksite in the community to provide invaluable experience.

hhp3120运动学习与控制 (3小时)

A course that will introduce students to current understandings of how complex motor skills are initially learned, and how they are controlled and refined with practice, 从行为的角度来看. A variety of activities will provide students with practical examples to deepen understanding. This course has applications to general exercise science, physical therapy, and coaching.

hhp3150运动表现原则 (3小时)

An advanced study of the scientific principles and theories related to sport performance in both the private and public sectors. Discussions related to applications and concepts in the exercise sciences, 测试与评估, 运动技术, 运动营养, 运动心理学, 程序设计, and strength and conditioning administration and facility organization will be emphasized.


hhp3850生物力学 (3小时)

This course integrates physics with human movement to provide understanding of human movement from a kinetic and kinematic perspective. Students will explore and apply these principles to a human movement or exercise of their choice. 
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1090 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology I or BIO 3200 Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I.

hhp4150运动生理学 (4小时)

This course explores the physiological effects and adaptations of exercise using a system approach. Students will be exposed to the latest research in the field that contributes to our understanding of how the human body is designed for exercise and movement. Practical application of these principles will be explored during class and throughout the laboratory experience.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1100 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II or BIO 3210 Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology II and junior standing.

hhp4250运动测试和编程 (3小时)

This course provides students hands-on learning of the laboratory and field tests used for assessing physical fitness and 身体成分 for health and performance. Test results are used in developing individualized exercise programming to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, 肌肉健身, 体重和身体成分, 还有灵活性.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 1100 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II or BIO 3200 Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I and junior standing.

hhp4800研究和统计方法 (3小时)

研究 and Statistical Methods is designed for senior-level HHP majors to develop an understanding of the research process and the rationales for basic behavioral statistics in the field of exercise science. This class will focus on the creation of a research proposal for exercise science and on developing reading, 写作, and practical skills to interpret and conduct research.

Prerequisite(s): HHP 1320 Introduction to Allied 健康 and junior standing, 或者得到老师的许可.


拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
hhp4810高级研究 (1小时)

This course will focus on developing skills to conduct a research study, 分析结果, 完成一篇研究论文. Students will present their research proposal to recruit subjects, give an informal elevator speech regarding the state of their research project, 在课程结束时, 正式介绍他们的研究

Prerequisite(s): hhp4800研究和统计方法.


拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive