

(402) 465-2366
dhanke [at] htvdirect.net (dhanke[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


以下是辅修教练课程的必修课程. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 健康和人类绩效学位.

hhp1270高级紧急护理 (1小时)

A study and application of the principles and techniques involved in the advanced administration of first aid, 心肺复苏术, 自动电子除颤器(aed). 学生将获得美国红十字会认证.

hhp1500教练理论介绍 (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand information about coaching, 培训风格, 教练策略. The course will cover practical coaching theories and include information about organization, 沟通, 和动力.

hhp1740社会运动 (2小时)

体育在社会课程设计在采取全球, issues-oriented approach to the study of the role of sport in society. This course encourages the discussion of current sport-related controversies and helps students develop critical thinking skills. This course also provides an analysis of social patterns of sport as these are shaped and maintained in social contexts. Structures and dynamics of sport can be viewed as an instruction that is closely linked with other institutions such as family, 教育, 性别角色, 以及种族和社会经济模式.

hhp1760体育研究-足球入门 (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand information about the game of football. 本课程将使学生熟悉规则, 策略, 以及与足球相关的技能. Information will be provided to benefit students interested in coaching and officiating as well as those who want to increase their knowledge of the game.

hhp1770运动研究-排球入门 (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand information about the game of volleyball. 本课程将使学生熟悉规则, 策略, 以及与排球有关的技巧. Information will be provided to benefit students interested in coaching and officiating as well as those who want to increase their knowledge of the game.

hhp1780体育研究-篮球入门 (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand information about the game of basketball. 本课程将使学生熟悉规则, 策略, 以及与篮球相关的技能. Information will be provided to benefit students interested in coaching and officiating as well as those who want to increase their knowledge of the game.

HHP 1790 体育的研究 - An Introduction to Baseball/Softball (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand information about the game of baseball/softball. 本课程将使学生熟悉规则, 策略, 以及与棒球/垒球相关的技能. Information will be provided to benefit students interested in coaching and officiating as well as those who want to increase their knowledge of the game.

hhp1800体育研究-足球入门 (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand information about the game of soccer. 本课程将使学生熟悉规则, 策略, and skills associated with soccer. Information will be provided to benefit students interested in coaching and officiating as well as those who want to increase their knowledge of the game.

HHP 1810 Sport Studies - An Introduction to Track/Cross Country (2小时)

A class that investigates the science and coaching methods of track and field and cross country. Areas of study include sport psychology, training theory, biomechanics, physiology and philosophy. Classroom work will be supplemented by actual practice coaching.

hhp1820运动研究:摔跤入门 (2小时)

This course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills essential to the coaching of competitive wrestling. Students will learn how to create a season schedule, travel, and budget. Students will learn about the different styles of wrestling, 规则, 重量级别, 以及如何举办锦标赛和双人赛. Classroom work will be supplemented by actual practice coaching. 通常在春季学期开设.

hhp1840运动研究:游泳入门 (2小时)

A course designed to develop and expand basic information about coaching swimming, 比如冲程力学, 为不同的项目训练不同的能量系统, 旱地/重量训练, 以及心理技能的发展. Students will learn about the various coaching opportunities in swimming, as well as acquire a general understanding of the 规则 of competitive swimming.

hhp2500基本人类营养 (2小时)

This is a course designed to provide students with the basic scientific principles of nutrition focusing on their personal choices and experiences. The student will develop a definition of nutrition, and learn how nutrition has evolved. The student will be introduced to the concepts of: essential nutrient classifications, 定义和发展健康饮食, 对特定营养素的建议, 饮食失调, 能量平衡与肥胖, 身体成分, 终生营养(婴儿期至老年人), and food/beverage choices and the influence on chronic disease and optimal wellbeing.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Human 健康 and Disease Thread
hhp2760运动与运动心理学 (2小时)

This course examines psychological theories and practices related to sport and exercise behavior. The course is designed to introduce you to the field of sport and 运动心理学 by providing a broad overview of the major topics in the area.

hhp3000教练实习课程 (1 - 6小时)

Practical experience in coaching in interscholastic athletic programs. The student will work with an athletic team throughout a season and will be involved with all aspects of the program. This course requires a considerable amount of commitment from the student. 可以重复最多6个学分吗.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
hhp3150运动表现原则 (3小时)

An advanced study of the scientific principles and theories related to sport performance in both the private and public sectors. Discussions related to applications and concepts in the exercise sciences, 测试与评估, 运动技术, 运动营养, 运动心理学, 程序设计, and strength and conditioning administration and facility organization will be emphasized.


hhp3210当前问题和体育伦理 (3小时)

This is a course designed to introduce students to ethical theories and thinking through the analysis of major issues present in today’s sporting landscape. 学生们将参与对过去的讨论, current and future nature of sport and the issues that affect both sport and society in order to better understand the ethical dilemmas that face current and future sport managers/administrators, 参与者, 卫生专业人员, 教练, 学者和消费者.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructor.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
hhp3700体育法律和治理 (3小时)

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the U.S. legal system as presented and applied to contexts within the sport industry. Students will also be introduced to fundamental legal principles of significance to sport 管理. Students will analyze numerous cases and the legal concepts and analyses presented to gain a deeper understanding of legal issues in various coaching, 治理, 管理, 参与体育活动的场景.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructor.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive