Master of Business Administration (M.S.N. bridge to M.B.A.)

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Nebraska Wesleyan University
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 827-1554
graduateadmissions [at] htvdirect.net (graduateadmissions[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Master of Business Administration (M.S.N. bridge to M.B.A.)

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Nebraska Wesleyan graduate admission requirements,须持有护理学硕士学位. MBA主任在审查工作经验和相关课程后,可能会对这一强调要求给予例外.

工商管理硕士[硕士学位的衔接课程].S.N.] (36 hours, of which 12 transferred from M.S.N. degree  = 24 hours)**



36 hours

General Knowledge 15 hours
BUSAD 5000 Mentoring Experience
0 hour*
ACCT 5010 Accounting for Decision Making 3 hours
ECON 5030 Managerial Economics 3 hours
BUSAD 5010 The Language of Business 2 hours
BUSAD 5030 Self-Awareness, Adaptability, and Authenticity 1 hour
BUSAD 5040 Managerial Finance 3 hours
BUSAD 5110 Marketing Management 3 hours
Required Core 6 hours
BUSAD 5260 Organizational Behavior 3 hours
BUSAD 5330 Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility 3 hours
Electives 12 hours
Transfer 12 hours from M.S.N. degree  
Master's Capstone 3 hours
BUSAD 5500 Business Strategy 3 hours

**If your MSN curriculum did not include a statistics course, 你可能需要修一门研究生水平的课程来学习那个知识领域. Please plan to discuss options with the MBA Director.

ACCT 5010 Accounting for Decision Making (3 hours)

本课程提供理解组织财务报告所需的技能. 目标是培养在财务报告过程中做出决策的能力,培养评估和使用会计数据的能力.  重点放在理解会计计量实践的广度,并能够作出必要的调整,仔细分析.  本课程强调会计信息与管理计划之间的联系, and decision making.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the graduate program.

BUSAD 5000 Mentoring Experience (0 hours)

本在线课程记录了学生参与MBA指导计划的情况. 学生将受益于与他们的导师在个人和职业目标方面的合作. 学生将与导师一起完成各种各样的活动. 学生在学习期间必须完成本课程两次. P/F Only.
前提条件:BUSAD 5030自我意识,适应性和真实性.

BUSAD 5010 The Language of Business (2 hours)

本课程将提供商业学科中使用的关键主题和概念的概述, such as accounting, economics and finance. 对这些主题的理解将有助于学生通过发展他们的分析能力来解决商业问题. 本课程还涵盖了成功所需的其他技能, including written and oral communications, spreadsheets and networking. 学生应在MBA课程的前两个学期完成本课程.
建议在ACCT 5010会计决策和ECON 5030管理经济学之前采取.

BUSAD 5030 Self-Awareness, Adaptability, and Authenticity (1 hour)

这门课程的重点是高级管理人员在MBA毕业生身上寻找的与特定学科无关的技能和特征, such as adaptability, self-awareness and strategic thinking. 学习者将进行自我评估,设定目标,建立社区和发展领导技能. 此外,学生将在本课程中开始指导计划. 本课程应在学生课程的前两个学期完成.

BUSAD 5040 Managerial Finance (3 hours)

This course exposes students to major financial principles, 公司财务的概念和财务技术应用于管理决策. Some of these concepts include the risk/return trade-off, time value of money, asset valuation, the cost of capital and the capital budgeting process. 本课程的目标是培养对金融原理和概念的理解, understand how they are used and their limitations, 并为学生提供在管理公司财务资源时做出决策的分析工具. 重点放在这些信息的应用和学生分析公司财务状况的能力,并为未来的行动提出建议. 
先决条件:ACCT 5010会计决策和ECON 5030管理经济学.

BUSAD 5110 Marketing Management (3 hours)

Applies major elements of the marketing process, strategic planning, 并开发有效的营销组合来创造客户价值. Analyzes key marketing concepts, such as consumer/buyer behavior, market research, brand management, product development, pricing strategies, and the design of marketing channels. 考察营销与商业组织中其他功能的整合.

BUSAD 5260 Organizational Behavior (3 hours)

Provides a conceptual basis for managers to interpret, assess, and influence human behavior in an organization. Analyzes the interaction of individual, group, 组织动力学影响组织中的人的行为,并决定适当的管理方法,以培养一个富有成效的工作环境. Examines a variety of theories, 用来理解动机和个人行为的模型和策略, decision making, the dynamics of groups, work teams, communication, leadership, power and politics, conflict resolution, work design, organizational structure and culture, and managing change.

BUSAD 5330 Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility (3 hours)

本课程为理解商业道德和企业责任的重要性提供了一个框架. The aspects of leadership, 将研究组织中的遵从性和决策, along with the potential conflicts between, and impacts on the stakeholders of an organization. 本课程将探讨商业与社会之间的关系, considering the ethical questions and implications involved.

BUSAD 5500 Business Strategy (3 hours)

In this capstone course, MBA学生综合了整个课程中获得的知识和技能. 主题包括组织战略和政策的发展和实施, 外部和内部环境之间的相互关系, identification, 分析和实施战略形势的解决方案. 该课程将完成与当地企业或非营利组织的“现场案例”. Teams of students apply techniques in business finance, cross-functional alignment, competitive analysis, 并对策略的选择提供建议给组织.
Prerequisite(s): BUSAD 5110 Marketing Management, BUSAD 5040 Managerial Finance, BUSAD 5260 Organizational Behavior, and BUSAD 5330 Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility.

ECON 5030 Managerial Economics (3 hours)

本课程概述了经济理论如何应用于评估和决策以及理解他人的决策. 它将涵盖经典微观经济学分析的基础知识:供求模型及其在不同市场结构假设下的应用. 所涵盖的主题还包括更复杂的定价策略和不确定性下的决策, 博弈论的要素及其在决策分析中的应用.