

(402) 465-2343
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以下是辅修东亚研究的必修课程. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 历史上度.

anthr - 2560
ARH 1030FYW非西方艺术史调查 (4小时)

本课程调查了从史前到现在的“非西方”社会的艺术. 讨论的文化包括南亚和东南亚, 中国和日本, 非洲, 和美洲文化(被征服前和美洲原住民). The term “Non-Western” traditionally refers to cultures that initially developed outside the realm of Western culture 和 at some distance from the European artistic tradition. 这个词不仅过于宽泛,而且存在问题, 因为它暗示着对西方艺术的反对. 我们将探讨这些问题. The main objective of the course is to provide students with a global perspective on the richness 和 diversity of art produced by the cultures studied. It also considers the impact of colonization 和 globalization on the treatment of artworks from non-western cultures 和 the development of 新 art forms.

HIST 2810东亚历史简介 (4小时)

本课程向学生介绍东亚历史的主要议题. 而不是一个世纪一个世纪地叙述从史前到现在, 本课程强调区域间关系的主题. Students learn about traditions such as 儒家思想 和 佛教 that provided a foundation for the development of centralized, 东亚的汉化国家, 还有文化, 经济, 和 政治 aspects of the tribute system that structured inter-regional relations throughout the pre-modern period. The second half of the semester picks up the theme of inter-regional relations in the modern period by examining the continuing impact of twentieth-century warfare on the Chinese, 韩国人, 和日本人. Our sources include a combination of secondary scholarship by leading experts on East Asian history as well as primary 历史 和 literary sources. 这门课也是现代语言研究专业的选修课.

HIST 2820日本历史介绍 (4小时)

An overview of key themes in early modern 和 modern Japanese history with an emphasis on the period between the seventeenth 和 twenty-first centuries. 该课程集中于日本政治制度的变化和连续性的主题, 社会和经济机构, 以及文化形式. 具体的主题包括改变武士身份的观念, 现代民族国家的兴起, 帝国主义和地区间关系, 战后繁荣与日本“失去的十年." Our sources include a combination of secondary scholarship by leading experts on Japanese history as well as primary 历史 和 literary sources. 这门课也是现代语言研究专业的选修课.

HIST 2830中国现代史 (4小时)

In this course we will survey the 历史 factors that have shaped China's emergence as one of the dominant players on the global stage in the twenty-first century. 我们从探索最后一个帝国王朝的历史开始. 重点放在中国社会的历史多样性. After learning about the combination of domestic 和 external challenges that undermined the last dynasty 和 led to the overthrow of the imperial system, 我们来看看世界大战的影响, 国民党和共产党之间的内战, 以及中华人民共和国的成立. The course concludes with a section on the transition to "market 社会ism" 和 the legacy of the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations. Our sources include a combination of secondary scholarship by leading experts on Chinese history as well as primary 历史 和 literary sources. 这门课也是现代语言研究专业的选修课.

明治-现代日本的形成 (4小时)

见HIST 4840明治-现代日本的形成.

《武士的黄昏:近代早期日本 (4小时)

参见HIST 4850《武士的黄昏:近代早期日本》.

嘘3860日本流行文化,过去和现在 (4小时)

见HIST 4860日本流行文化,过去和现在.


明治-现代日本的形成 (4小时)

日本的明治时期从1868年持续到1912年. 在这大约四十年的时间里, Japan embarked on an ambitious program of Western-style modernization that left no aspect of the nation untouched. It was a period of rapid 经济 growth 和 industrialization that allowed Japan to challenge the Western powers 和 create its own empire in East Asia by the early twentieth century, 但随之而来的社会, 政治, 经济转型给许多日本人带来了权力,也给他们带来了混乱. 在这个研讨会上, 我们将在政治上广泛阅读, 社会, 和 cultural history of the Meiji period to develop an underst和ing of the period's powerful shaping influence on the course Japan took in the twentieth century. 此外,二级学术由明治时期的主要权威机构, we will read works of 文学 和 view several films that illuminate the complexities 和 tensions within Meiji society. HIST-4840与嘘3840相遇. 除了4840的学生需要一篇研究论文外,课程的要求是相同的.

《武士的黄昏:近代早期日本 (4小时)

武士这个词来源于动词saburau,意思是“服务”.“日本武士为谁服务?, 以及是什么让他们的“服务”成为必要? 武士是如何成为日本中世纪的主要政治人物的? 在17世纪初德川幕府成功平定日本之后, how did a 社会 group whose elite status derived from their role as warriors adapt-or fail to adapt-to a long period of peace? These are some of the questions we will seek to answer through our discussion of primary sources 和 secondary scholarship on Japan's samurai warriors. 我们将把重点放在近代早期, but the seminar provides an overview of the 历史 development of the samurai dating back to their origins in the tenth century. 一旦我们到了德川时期, we will also take a broader look at a changing Japanese 社会 structure in which commoners-和 merchants in particular-began to overtake the samurai. 在学期结束时, 我们将考虑布什思想的发展, 或者“勇士之道”," as an invented tradition that played an important role during Japan's transformation into a modern nation-state. 这门课也是现代语言研究专业的选修课. 《武士的黄昏:早期现代日本》与《十大网络娱乐平台排名》相遇. 除了4850的学生需要一篇研究论文外,课程的要求是相同的.

HIST 4860日本流行文化,过去和现在 (4小时)

In this course we will be investigating the cultural history of history of Japan in the early modern 和 modern periods, 重点是十九世纪和二十世纪. 具体地说, 重点发展“大众文化”,这个词的多重(和相互冲突的)含义我们将在整个学期中讨论. Our exploration of “popular culture” will extend to aspects of everyday life (or “lifestyles”) as well as works of art, 文学, 音乐, 和电影. 我们将一起研究各种文本, 音乐流派, 漫画, 电影(真人和动画), 总是试图在历史变迁的背景下解释它们. 这将是一门严谨且具有智力挑战的课程, 但它也意味着提供一个令人愉快的日本丰富的文化遗产概览.
HIST 4860与嘘3860会合. The content of the courses are the same EXCEPT students enrolled in 3860 write analytical essays 和 give presentations, while students enrolled in 4860 concentrate on writing a research paper in lieu of the essays 和 presentations.


中文第一阶段:个人观点 (5小时)

Stage 1: Personal Perspectives begins the development of the basic concepts of M和arin Chinese language 和 culture, thus providing the necessary knowledge 和 skills for students to interact in M和arin Chinese about familiar topics. 没有P / F.

中文第二阶段:人际关系 (5小时)

阶段1:个人观点的延续, 第二阶段:人际关系拓展了汉语语言和文化的基本概念, thus providing the necessary knowledge 和 skills for students to interact in M和arin Chinese about familiar topics. 没有P / F.
先决条件:MCHIN 1010中文阶段1:个人观点.

MJPAN 1010日语第一阶段:个人观点 (5小时)

Stage 1: Personal Perspectives begins the development of the basic concepts of Japanese language 和 culture, 从而为学生提供必要的知识和技能,使他们能够用日语就熟悉的话题进行互动. 没有P / F.

MJPAN 1020日语第二阶段:人际关系 (5小时)

阶段1:个人观点的延续, 第二阶段:人际关系拓展了日本语言和文化的基本概念, 从而为学生提供必要的知识和技能,使他们能够用日语就熟悉的话题进行互动. 没有P / F.
先决条件:MJPAN 1010日语阶段1:个人观点.


1150世界宗教 (3小时)

这门课程是对文化背景的研究, 创始人的生活,如果合适的话, 口头或书面的传统和文学, 世界观, 神话, 仪式, 行为准则, 以及世界上一些宗教的发展. 研究的宗教通常包括部落宗教, 印度教, 耆那教, 佛教, 道教, 儒家思想, 神道教, 琐罗亚斯德教, 犹太教, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 锡克教, 和巴哈教徒. 阅读, 视频, 和 websites will help introduce 和 illustrate not only the cultural settings in which these religions appear, 还有当代宗教实践者的声音和面孔.

宗教3200建构宗教认同 (3小时)

本课程探讨了宗教的现代建设和宗教作为一种法律, 国际, 历史, 文化范畴. 我们将研究哪些定义和假设在起作用,以及谁发明了宗教传统, 维护, 或者为了什么而改变. 被审问的分类包括宗教的、精神的和世俗的、学术的和民间的. 研究的材料和运动包括有意挑衅性的古代并置, 新, 部落, 世界, 本地化与国际化. It is common in contemporary discourse to privilege individual freedom to choose or create a religious identity, 因此, this course will pay special attention to the ways in which spirituality obscures the extent to which individualistic ideology legitimates the creation of self-identity through consumer 和 lifestyle choices.
