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Social Work Student Finds Impactful Practicum Experiences During COVID-19

Social Work Student Finds Impactful Practicum Experiences During COVID-19

  • 安吉拉·约翰逊,社工学生
    去年春天流感大流行时, Angela 约翰逊 had to pivot her plans for her social work practicum. The wait led to two impactful COVID-19-related experiences at Lincoln Public Schools and Mourning Hope Grief Center.
  • 安吉拉·约翰逊,社工学生
    去年春天流感大流行时, Angela 约翰逊 had to pivot her plans for her social work practicum. The wait led to two impactful COVID-19-related experiences at Lincoln Public Schools and Mourning Hope Grief Center.

The 2020-2021 academic year has been unlike any other. But despite the unusual circumstances like mask wearing, 保持社交距离和混合式学习, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted students’ experiences in ways they never anticipated. 我们正在分享他们的故事.


“No matter what is happening in the world, our job is still essential. 我们总会有人需要我们的帮助.”

Those are the words that Angela 约翰逊 used last spring to remind and reassure herself of the important role of social workers — especially during a pandemic.

When the country started shutting down last March, 约翰逊, who is pursuing her social work degree through Nebraska Wesleyan’s adult undergraduate program, 重新评估毕业前的计划. 作为学位要求的一部分, social work students are required to complete a 400-hour practicum experience.

But opportunities for practicum experiences dwindled and like many others, she pivoted her plans.

“这有点像, 好吧, you just need to find a place because people are not taking practicum students,她回忆道。.

She credits the support of her social work professors as she pursued a new direction.

“They knew how to work on their feet and be creative to meet their students' needs,”她说。.

约翰逊 pushed her practicum to winter and found creative ways to gain meaningful experiences that would also have a significant impact on clients.

在冬季学期, 约翰逊 started working with Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) where she contacted families in the school district to share with them information about free or discounted internet service for students who were attending class online. 约翰逊 was determined to help LPS get the word out.

“We were really hoping that connection to them could be a bridge to essentially more resources that they potentially needed,约翰逊解释道.

While she helped several families utilize the program, the district faced other communication challenges.

“Language barriers and reaching families that don't use English as their first language were common difficulties,约翰逊说. “We didn't have access to the school’s language liaisons, but we wanted to reach every family regardless of what language they spoke.”

约翰逊 played a critical role in developing materials that explained the internet access programs. The materials were made available to school counselors, translators and liaisons to reach additional families.

完成她的实习要求, 约翰逊 then turned her attention to Mourning Hope Grief Center, which provides grief support groups to children, 失去亲人的成年人和家庭. 约翰逊’s focus was to re-evaluate how Mourning Hope meets the needs of young adults during the pandemic and supports them in their grief journey.

“Part of being a social worker is being creative and thinking on your feet and just finding different ways to assist our clients that we're working with,”她说。.

保证他们客户的安全, Mourning Hope’s grief groups are hosted via Zoom, which has helped the non-profit expand its reach across the country and world.

“I never would have guessed the sacred space of a zoom room,约翰逊说. 随着疫情的蔓延, 人们很悲伤, 不仅仅是死亡损失, but several things because pandemic grief isn't linear to death.”

约翰逊 is grateful for her practicum experiences and credits the university’s social work program for allowing her the flexibility to balance her full-time job, 她的家庭和学业.

“Wesleyan makes it possible to achieve those goals, dreams and that degree that you've always wanted,”她说。.

In May, she’ll walk across the stage to accept her diploma. She’s eager for what’s ahead including the possibility of pursuing a master’s degree in social work.

“如果我专心做某件事,”她说。, “I would be limiting myself to all of what social work can bring.”

