A podium and backdrop with the 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 logo.
Eight 校友 Honored as Legends and Legacies
  • 托德和康妮(毕晓普)邓肯
    托德和康妮(毕晓普)邓肯, 校友忠诚奖
  • 詹姆斯Munkres
  • 沃尔特法国
    Professor Emeritus of Physics 沃尔特法国, 校友荣誉勋章
  • 我是凯伦·林德
    我是凯伦·林德, 校友成就奖
  • Mishayla理查森
    Mishayla理查森, 青年校友忠诚奖
  • 我是Andrea (Baker) Kabourek
    我是Andrea (Baker) Kabourek, 青年校友成就奖
  • 牧师. 丹尼斯Hannema
    牧师. 丹尼斯·汉内曼,校友人道主义奖
  • 托德和康妮(毕晓普)邓肯
    托德和康妮(毕晓普)邓肯, 校友忠诚奖
  • 詹姆斯Munkres
  • 沃尔特法国
    Professor Emeritus of Physics 沃尔特法国, 校友荣誉勋章
  • 我是凯伦·林德
    我是凯伦·林德, 校友成就奖
  • Mishayla理查森
    Mishayla理查森, 青年校友忠诚奖
  • 我是Andrea (Baker) Kabourek
    我是Andrea (Baker) Kabourek, 青年校友成就奖
  • 牧师. 丹尼斯Hannema
    牧师. 丹尼斯·汉内曼,校友人道主义奖

One of the highlights of homecoming at NWU is the annual Legends and Legacies banquet. That’s where NWU pays special tribute to outstanding alumni for life and career accomplishments.


Todd (’88) and Connie (Bishop) (’87) Duncan

The Duncans are incredibly committed to NWU. 托德在理事会任职, while Connie serves on the campaign cabinet behind the university’s efforts to build a new science facility. 邓肯航空公司的首席执行官, Todd has helped provide private flights for President Fred Ohles as he travels the country advocating for Nebraska Wesleyan. The Duncans are also generous in their financial support of NWU.


Munkres’ career in mathematics is truly outstanding. He is a retired professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He authored America’s most widely used textbook on topology. He is also the namesake of the Munkres assignment algorithm, a combinatorial optimization algorithm with strong applications in the airline, 公共交通和快递行业. His algorithm helps these industries create efficient networks to move people and goods.

Professor Emeritus of Physics 沃尔特法国 (’48)

Professor French chaired Nebraska Wesleyan’s 物理系 from 1952 to 1988. French was the second of only four chairs in the department’s storied 113-year history. As Nebraska Wesleyan plans a new science facility, it can learn a lot from French—one of the leaders who spearheaded the design of Olin Hall of Science, the department’s home for the last 47 years.


NWU and the liberal arts taught Linder to be multifaceted. 她的事业反映了这种品质. The cytotechnologist with Heartland Pathology, Inc. is a scientist, artist, entrepreneur and author. It was her skill as a writer that set her apart as a scientist. “Sadly, writing is not a common strength for most scientists,”她说。. She credits her reputation in cytotechnology in large part to her ability to express complex ideas simply. 同样的技能对她的生意也有帮助. 她的新书, 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的女性, explores the leadership qualities of several Berkshire CEOs.


Work may take Richardson, an Omaha native, to Arizona, but she’s remained very connected to campus. The certified public accountant serves on the President’s Board of Advisors; she’s active in alumni events; she’s organized a Lend-a-Hand event in Omaha and offered advice on the development of NWU’s MBA program.

我是Andrea (Baker) Kabourek(2000年)

Kabourek teaches more than English—and coaches more than running—to her students at Lincoln East. 她教导并指导坚韧, 承诺, drive and positivity—the same qualities that have served her through bouts with cancer. 她的口头禅仍然是:“我能. 我将.“我可以。”, 我将 … continue teaching students how to overcome obstacles with grace, 幽默和毅力,”她说。. Her six-year battle with cancer ended on September 16, 2015.

牧师. 丹尼斯Hanneman (64)

牧师. Hanneman has a tremendous record of service in warzones. He was a medic in the Vietnam War and a missionary in the Congo. He served with WorldVision in Mozambique, Sudan and Bosnia during their civil wars. He called his service and ministry “just part of a basic attempt to do good in the world.